Monday 14 October 2024

Three Things I Kinda Noticed

 1.  It does start to seem obvious that Joe Biden is doing little things to sabotage Kamala Harris's campaign.  Maybe there is a fair amount of dementia at play here, and Harris's mistake was not removing Biden from office back in the spring of 2024.

2.  Bill Clinton is out to help the Harris campaign.  Among 18 to 25 year old  voters....he's a total unknown.  

3.  The Obama-factor....speaking to young black males?  Appears to have zero effect.  

1 comment:

LargeMarge said...

2008 or so:
Then and still, I 'cis'-identify as as utterly apolitical as anybody could be.
Eugene Oregon.
I was waiting on the sidewalk for a cross-walk signal, mystified after a woman walked up and without prep nor pretext nor a pleasant 'howdy, stranger', shouted:
* "I would 'tea-bag' Barry!"
I turned to face her, and politely asked:
* "Barry who?"
She, obviously believing me to be the stupitest person in the known universe ever, snarlingly informed me:
* "Barack O'Bama, of course, who else!"
The young lady had the general appearance of a typical Northern European Heritage.
Around that time, I remember hearing about Barky's mix-race background (aka 'mulatto', as Morgan Freeman observed).
During those of my formative years, I was yet to hear about the apparent joys of Northern European Heritage gals doing the 'mud-shark' business, so this was all something quite new to me.
An aside:
I am generally blissfully mystified as my normal state.
Back in those times, I was often astonished by our species.
These days, nothing much from our species could surprise me...