Friday, 15 November 2024

Five Humble Thoughts

 1.  I read this AM....the View (the TV show) management people are discussing an emergency change to the ABC show.  They say....some 'voices' that are pro-Trump are now required.  

The way it was least two of the current ladies are gone, and I would  imagine the most extreme views will be the ones dismissed.  

How this would work?  Unknown.  Trans-ladies possible in the mix...who are pro-Trump?  Well....maybe.

2.  Some kind  of 9-11 style attack was prevented in the FBI, yesterday.

I'm shocked that the FBI had time to do real work.

3.  Just odd....all these DC-insiders racing to MSNBC and CNN to hype negative chatter on Trump's selections.

4.  I went out and bought roughly 60 shares of NANC stock yesterday.  This is a ETF which captures Nancy Pelosi's trading trends....what she buys....they buy.  What she sells....they sell.  Since early 2024....30-percent gain.

Nancy says she's running in November 2026.  Maybe I should triple my stock  investment situation?

5.  I hate to say it....but the more Senator John Fetterman speaks....the more 'normal' he seems....almost conservative in nature.


mnewman7 said...

Why put money into the market when you're already on the hook for a decline due to bank collapse....

LargeMarge said...

TRANSVESTITES on televisionprogramming.
Is this a continuation of the trend started by that o'bama ex-FirstSpouse person?
Somebody should tell him his comb-over is dumb...