Friday, 31 January 2025

Observations Over The Hearing Business

 Prior to 2017....I probably put a single hour into watching highlights of  cabinet secretaries being reviewed by the Senate every four years. 2017, I probably put in 6 hours.  2021?  I probably watched six to eight hours.  

Over the past two weeks?  I probably watched about 20 hours of watching hearings.  So, some observations:

1.  This crap/BS is mostly a theatrical show.

2.  About half of the Democrats are child-actors at best, or have a IQ-level around 90 (meaning less than average).

3.  RFK? Once he dumped the big-pharma donation business back on Bernie Sanders.....I lost all respect for Bernie.  

4.  The Senate needs committee should have more than 7 total members.

5.  If you are a Senate member and asking has to be no more 20 words.  If you go past that point....some AI-monitoring system should 'red-light' the comment as unanswerable.

To be felt like a reality show...not democracy at work.

Thursday, 30 January 2025

Netflix Redo of 'Little House On The Prairie'?

I sat yesterday and read through the story.....yeah, there seems to be willing nature to bring up a updated LHotP.  My view of what is to come?

1.  Indian Chief Blue Cloud has kidnapped 'Ma', and found that she's a pain-in-the-ass...releasing her two days later.

2.  Mrs Olsen is screwing around with 'Barney' (the stable-hand).  

3.  There's a small tribe of six Indians living north of Walnut Groove....oddly....all guys, no women.

4.  Halfway through the first season....the school-teacher is found to be an idiot....who can't read/spell, and hallucinates a good bit.

5.  Some local trader comes through and sells some bottles of high-content cocaine-like stuff...that drives Walnut Groove people crazy for  24 hours.

6.  Mr Olsen opens up a saloon.

7.  Mr Olsen leaves his wife at the end of season one, but returns to  her by end of season two....admitting he needs to be controlled. 

This Trump-Guantanamo-EO

 Yesterday, Trump indicated that there will be a situation where the bad-boy illegal guys (with serious charges), will be picked up....taken to a plane, flown into Guantanamo Bay's military facility, face charges/conviction there, an probably spend their sentence there (unless their home-country takes them back).

How many? one says, but there's some indication that several thousand will end up there.

A shock for the bad-boys?  Oh, I'd say once the guy lands in Guantanamo and figures out the whole landscape ahead of him (maybe the rest of his life there) might be pretty dramatic.

What I think will develop here?  Trump will eventually offer countries like Libya or Chad....some deal.  If you take thirty of the convicted's 30-million dollars.  

People getting bothered by this?  Oh yeah, but basically....these weren't like 99-percent of the other folks who are trying hard to make it.

Wednesday, 29 January 2025

Trump 'Deal'

 What President Donald Trump has laid out....if you work for the federal gov' can get a buy-out....worth seven months’ salary....if you opt-out to leave the job by Feb. 6. 

So you have a week a week....more or take the deal.

If you remain past 6 Feb, and get terminated.....your deal will be a lot less than seven months of salary.

I would imagine at least 100k folks are sitting at the table and talking to their spouse about the deal.

If you were on a GS salary of $110k a year? You were making $9100 a month (before taxes/social security).  Trump's deal would get you $64k roughly.  

A plan? are probably existing in a job-situation  that begs  questions. If you were around'd take the cash...retire early and sell the Maryland/Virginia house....escaping off to Tennessee or Iowa.

If  you were age 55?  This would scare the crap out of need five to seven more years to reach a safe point.

If you were in your 30s? Absolute fear.

My humble guess? I'll suggest that 10,000 take the deal....with another 30,000 waking up in June....grasping their job is gone and they can't get a 7-month  deal. 

Tuesday, 28 January 2025

The Reverse On Kicked-Out Military Folks?

 President Trump issued an E/O....which basically says....if you were kicked out of the military (2022/2023) because you refused the Covid will be offered a chance to re-enter, and paid all lost wages.

I sat and contemplated the wage stuff.  For an E-6 (figure 12 to 16 years in)....with housing figured....three years minimum to be in the $120k-plus paid out. 

A smart guy will take the re-enter deal....put the $120k into a IRA/stock, and work three to six additional years...then retire (collecting his pension).

How many folks?  Well...for active duty folks....up around 8k to 9k.

Some bad blood lingering?  If you were one of these folks and come across the commander who pushed you's not going to be a friendly matter. 

The smart guy here?  If you were approaching age forty....ready to clear out and retire with 22 years of service by 2030....that $120k invested age fifty....could put you into a terrific early retirement position.  

Monday, 27 January 2025

Four Observations

 1.  If you are a California resident....owning property, and paying taxes kinda figure that the money will go your safety and security (the fire department and police).  So when the money ends up in homeless 'free-money-pits' or going toward migration lose trust.

2.  Various social media sources in Washington report that psychologists are being invited in to explain how to handle Trump-stress....within political figure groups. I would imagine therapy and shots of whiskey are being offered.

3.  Senate seats flipping to Republican in 2026?  Georgia, Michigan.  Republican  Senators likely forced out by primary action....Cornyn of Texas, Graham of SC, Tillis of NC, and McConnell of KY.

4.  There's some statistical data showing car accidents rate increases....if you have sleep apnea.

Sunday, 26 January 2025

Reading Level Story

 I read a piece today....saying from across America...that 54-percent of Americans read at the sixth-grade level OR BELOW.

I paused over this.  

Lets be honest....if you lined up 100 kids who graduated high school in the last year.....probably half of them are in the 6th-grade level.  

This making them risky at grasping instructions?  Well....yeah.

Easily BSing them, giving them fake stories?  Well...yeah.

One of My Military Stories

 It was a ironclad rule of the  Air show up for a military-contracted passenger had to be in dress-uniform (Army, Air Force, Navy) didn't matter. 

I showed up in St Louis, for one of these passenger flights....early 1990s.  Military folks doing tickets/boarding.

Air Force couple shows up in uniform, and gets their boarding pass....boards....then goes to the plane toilet.....changing out of the uniform in jogging pants/t-shirts.

Around a dozen passengers (mostly junior officers) go berserk....'you-can't-do-that'.

The couple refuse to comply (they were both E-6's from what I could figure).

Contracted stewardesses refuse to get into this....telling the whiners to shut up.

Within a year....the regulation had changed so on these military-contracted could wearing civilian clothing.

21 Podcast Folks I Will Occasionally Listen To

 1.  Joe Rogan. Out of every ten  he does (at least in 2024)....I probably caught around six of them.

2. Ian Carroll. The king of conspiracy chatter. He researches these, and lays out the pieces.

3.'I Allegedly' (Dan).  Find it off YouTube.   If you have interest in business/commerce or financial news....he does a 15-minute piece each day.  Blunt talk....often critical. 

4.  Robert Sepehr. Find it via YouTube.  PhD-level thinker. He does one 'talk' about every two weeks....diving deep a topic.

5. Valuetainment, off Youtube.  30 minute piece at  least twice a week. Lean right. Commerce and analysis chatter. 

6. Danny Jones, off YouTube.  Half of what he can disregard in 10 minutes.  But he brings on guests and  about half  of these interviews are  really far out on science/history.....worth an hour of your time.

7.  Sabbatical, off  YouTube.  This guy travels constantly, to historical locations (even dangerous places) you a 5-star history lesson.  

8.  Joe Blogs, off YouTube. Business and commerce analysis....lot of Russian finance views. Ton of graphs/charts.  Might be the 5-star master economist.

9. Paul in the Philippines, off YouTube.  Retired guy living in the Philippines. Interesting interviews with mostly guys who left the US, and living their life-dream there. 

10. Metal Leo, off YouTube.  Does video-walking tours of SF.  Highly critical of SF decay.

11.  Lex Fridman, off YouTube.  Half of his talks are science-related. High IQ  analysis.  

12.  Chris Williamson, off YouTube. Does 5 interviews a week....I'd say 3 of them are usually worth  listening.   I'd call him Joe-Rogan-lite.

13.  Uneducated Economist, off  YouTube.  Self-taught economist....working out of a lumber yard.  Takes complicated topics finance/economics...makes it simple.

14.  News For Reasonable People. Off YouTube. Real estate guy.....covers news affecting public.  Blunt criticism.

15. Ric Bender. Off YouTube.  Daily economy news.  Simple format....easy to follow.

16. Triggernometry. Off YouTube.  2 Brit comedians who actually do serious interviews. 

17.  Whats Going On With Shipping. Off YouTube.  Literally...ONLY stuff about ships/freight.  If you see some stuff about a freighter lost....tune over to this to find the whole story. 

18.  Dr Todd Grande.  Off YouTube.  Weird, weird, weird.  He examines the mental side of crazy nutcases.  

19.  1420.  Off YouTube.  Russian guy who does interviews of Russians on the street.  You might be surprised  how Russians relate things.

20.  Liz Wheeler.  Off YouTube.  Daily news analysis. Interesting pieces.

21.  Katie Hopkins.  Off YouTube.   Brit comedian.  

Saturday, 25 January 2025

Political Chatter

 1.  At this point (spring of 2024)....CNN, CBS, and MSNBC look to be in serious shape.  A help in the summer build-up for mid-term elections?  Zero.

2.  President Trump has put tremendous pressure on California to build a voter-ID-requirement....if they want federal help to rebuild LA.  They need cash-flow by mid-summer, and this requirement....if accomplished.....would likely wipe out more than 100,000 fake voters.

3.  What does Florida's Governor de Santis do after November 2026's election?  Just betting....he's brought to DC to be the unelected House Speaker for a year.  (It is legal for the Speaker to be a non-member).

4. I will predict at least 20 Democratic-held House Seats and 5 Senate seats....go  to the Republicans. 

5.  Prediction: Greenland does not become a US state/territory...but they vote for independence and sign a major treaty with the US.

6. My prediction: the US quietly removes most  US troops from Europe by the end of 2026.  EUCOM headquarters is the only element left.

7.  I would put $100 up on a bet: Hunter Biden gets brought up on fresh new money-laundering charges.  

Friday, 24 January 2025

Dress Code While Traveling?

 Spirit  Airlines came out this week and said.....while you are boarding....if you are noticed as being inappropriately dressed...they won't board you.  They were limited on saying what inappropriate might might, and even said that tattoo choices....might figure into this.

The first flight I ever took....was the Nashville to San Antonio flight....for boot-camp, and I would suggest that 60-percent of folks were wearing 'going-to-church' clothing.  This was the summer of 1979.

It was along the late 1980s....when I first noticed inappropriate clothing styles (a flight from Miami to Orlando).....where several young women wore string-bakini tops.  

Over the next 15-odd progressed.  

2010, I took a flight from Montreal to Frankfurt....with two women wearing pajamas (top and bottom), with flip-flops.

2013, I took a flight from Frankfurt to Dulles....where an  older woman wore a tube-top with marginal shorts on.

If you  asked this mostly a gal thing?  I'd say guys I've seen on flights have pushed the limit just as much....wearing purely basketball shirts and trunks.

I was reading some commentary by a guy who noted that the recent  years have been this game by teenage girls...say age 13 to 15....who are attempting to 'out-tramp' their friends on the flights.

The sad thing here? Over the next six months....there's probably 300 folks who will reach the gate...ONLY to be halted and told...either change your clothing or miss the flight.

Necessary act?  Yeah.

Thursday, 23 January 2025

Crystal Ball Gazing

 Ten things I see unfolding:

1.  On a wide-range....I see all of President Biden pre-emptive pardons being challenged (not just one at a time).  I think the Supreme Court will be shaking their heads because there's mechanism to cover imaginary crimes, if you have no court case or conviction existing.   

2.  I'll go ahead and predict that General Miley's court-martial situation advances, and that before it starts....he is likely to commit suicide.

3.  I'll predict before the end of 2025....Greenland has a national vote to advance the idea of being independent (not connected to Denmark or the US).  The vote will be something like 55-to-60 percent in favor.  Within a month, the US has a trade-agreement in place with Greenland given exceptional status (better than Canada/Mexico).

4.  Trump releases the JFK report, and it's leading back to the CIA and Mafia.  Oswald completely innocent.  Trump, by the end of 2025, will  identify the Warren Commission Report as a 100-percent fabrication. Oswald family?  Given a personal apology for what occurred.

5.  I think House Speaker Johnson's new J6 investigation....ends up with Pelosi being  identified as the cause of the original mess.  She resigns, and Trump pardons her....ONLY for the J6 mess.  Later, she's charged on insider stock trading....Trump won't pardon her for that.

6.  In order to help save around 100 banks from collapse....they are bundled up, and  these commercial properties triggering the mess....become gov't property.  Several gov't agencies in DC...are given orders to relocate (to  survive) into these commercial excess properties.

7. ActBlue will be declared a money-laundering operation, and a LOT of Democratic politicians will have a problem in paying fines...while knowing it was a money-laundering operation.

8.  Cocaine and various drugs....will have price escalation (doubling in a matter of two months) after Trump declares war on the cartels in Mexico.  By Xmas, the price will have tripled from  average in December of 2024.

9.  As a peace-treaty is worked out between Russia and Ukraine....the Ukraine expects NATO to provide 200,000  troops as the 'peace-patrol'.  Trump volunteers a maximum of 1,000.

10.  Barak Obama is divorced by the end of 2025.   

An Example Of Where This AI 'Path' Will Go Under Trump

 After hearing the whole Artificial Intelligence (AI) discussion....let me give you one

So you wake up in feel ill.

You go to your smart-phone and apply via a App for a appointment.  You get directed to a 16-question test....where AI is determining your issue.  

Within 5 minutes, it has reviewed your records, your DNA background, and statistical averages.  You are sent to one of four paths: (1) report to a 'station' to have blood/urine/saliva tested, (2) given low-grade drug with a prescription issued by AI, (3) told it's not a big deal, and (4) actually given an appointment to doctor.

You can figure more than 60-percent of folks today....under this system....won't see a doctor.

Emergency room situations will continue on (fully staffed), but AI will be there guiding them to fully assess care required.

Your sugar balance, smoking habits, blood pressure and alcohol consumption will be monitored by AI daily.  If  you have serious bad's going to continually remind you, and at some point....lessen healthcare options....noting that you don't give a damn.

People who are in a mental-breakdown situation? AI will chat and converse with you....eventually reaching a stage where it's called for your 'pick-up' and mandated time in a facility.

By  least 50-percent of Americans will admit they've not seen a real doctor in ten years.

In the case of drug overdoses.....AI will eventually inject after the first overdose, it's reckless and wasteful to assist on a 2nd overdose....telling the emergency crew to halt efforts.

AI will put itself into health-insurance situations, and start to report improper health decisions.

Some segment of American society (probably around  10-percent) will identify as anti-health-AI....demanding full access to real doctor/nurses.

Strokes will  be more predicted.

At least 500 pages of personal health-data will exist by age 25....some detailing how much coffee you consume....poor exercise habits....poor safety habits, and even mental issues.   

AI is coming....whether you like it or not.

Wednesday, 22 January 2025

This Home-Office Gov't Employee 'Problem'

 I worked in the DC area (actually at the Pentagon) for 3.5 years, and came to hear daily of the woes for people traveling into work.  For the record, I lived in a apartment about two miles west of the Pentagon, and my 'battle' took about 15 minutes to reach the front-door of the Pentagon (so I never whined).  I rode a bus.

Some folks spent around 70 minutes in traffic (one-way).  

So when Covid came around and folks  got home-office expansion (from one day a five days a week)....they got used to it.

They also got used to not engaging with other co-workers.  

Staff meetings? They went to zoom-meetings.

So as Trump engages upon this and forces them back....I'll go and predict a PTSD-like illness starting up....where folks can't handle the 70-minute commute or hour-long staff meetings in one office, or having to deal with idiot-co-workers.

By March....I'll predict more than 10,000 gov't folks are in some mental crisis.  The 'cure'?  Well....some might get hospitalization (two weeks in some mental clinic).  Most will end on paroxetine, sertraline, and venlafaxine (anxiety medication).  Some will mix alcohol with these, and get harsh problems.  Some will slip over to use cannabis.

At some point, some will start to talk about problems of nightmares, memory loss, confusion, and avoiding  certain people.  False memories will start to be reported.

A term will be created....Trump-delusions....identify these people.

Eventually, as they are let go (the gov't discovers it doesn't need them)....the delusions will continue on.....being a life-long problem. 

All being connected to Covid?  Well...yeah....this will be the public perception.

What Trump Walked Into

 I sat and watched the  piece of Trump/Vance (with wives) at the National Cathedral and getting some dose of political charged-up sermon 'talk'.  The blunt side of this sermon?  You (meaning Trump) need to show compassion to migrants (I guess meaning legal an illegal), and toward the LGTBQ folks.

I'm not much on church attendance....if you asked me since 2010....I've stepped in on two occasions.  Both had mostly normal sermon 'chatter', with a mini-sized 2-minute piece of political slant. 

I'm actually 'entertained' when you keep on Bible-topics and Jesus-moments.  The politicization BS?  From that moment on....I'm on mute and thinking about the 1969 Braves team, the best way to mix gin, Stargate stories, where Star Wars failed, bad movies (the Blue Lagoon for example), the Bizarro Jerry episode from Seinfeld,  and the fakeness of pro-wrestling.  

 All of this politicization....spiraling an end to most churches?  Yeah....I'd say if this is your 'script' have some design in mind to end your church membership.

As for Trump ever stepping into a church again?  I'd say that's it. The Bishop got her one last moment/chance.

The Alien Dilemma

 I was reading  through social media yesterday, and this odd comment came up. 

The construct? eventually has to assign a IQ level to aliens, and the idea came up....what if their average level is 500 (most Earth engineers can claim 120 on IQ level....and the general average is 100).

So conversation between an average guy (100) and a alien (500)....isn't going to go  far.

You can imagine a conversation between a dimwit (say in the 50 to 70 range) and a engineer (120) happening today.  They might be able to discuss NFL football for 2 minutes, or perhaps discuss snowstorms for a couple of minutes.  But it will be awful short.

I would imagine the aliens don't see much reason to waste talking or conversing....unless you found an awful marginal dimwitted alien, who was in the 150-to-200 level of IQ status.  So if you were dragged into some 'ship' and 'Marvin-the-alien' starts talking you  in a makes-sense sorta might want to assume he's not brightest guy on the staff.  

Tuesday, 21 January 2025

My View of the Biden Preemptive Pardons

 There are 3 problems:

1.  Typically, you have court paperwork (usually a conviction)....saying charges x, y and z.  In this case, Biden signs a paper that says 'anything' that you covered by this pardon....even  if no  judge was involved or conviction existing.

2.  All of these pardons come from a guy with some pattern of dementia.  If someone with a pardon goes into court, and this dementia-chatter comes up....the judge is going to ask questions...probably demanding Biden to appear, and answer.  If Biden shows up and act goofy?  At that point, the value of the pardon might go down to zero.

3.  If you end up with a truth-commission and sworn testimony is don't get a free-pass with the have to show the oath, and answer questions (admitting guilt along the way).  If you try to avoid the questions, or lie?  The pardon goes away.  In some ways, it's made life tougher for Hunter Biden, if you ask me.  

Before the end of 2025....I suspect this pardon stuff will become a major problem.  

Monday, 20 January 2025

My Assessment of Joe Biden

 It's tough....because you have to assume three things: (1) Joe was probably in some state of mental decline from January 2020, (2) from the various  problems/ have to assume some White House officials were acting in some capacity as President, and (3) the  operations of the House/Senate and Administration....was like a 5th-grade class where the teacher was out back of the class...taking a 4-year smoke break.

In the period of January and February of could tell he was in some decline and not able to perform.  I assumed the news folks would eventually  (by mid-summer) figure out the issue.  Well....they never did.

So we lingered.  It felt like sitting in a theater, with a 1-star movie....NO air conditioning....crappy pop-corn....feeling shame that you paid $12 for a seat.

The decline of CBS, CNN, MSNBC, the WaPo, and the NY Times?  In a sense, they were the final protectors of Biden's era.  They gave ALL that they keep people happy, and lost value.

I could probably write a 16-page critical essay over the era...but it's just not worth the effort.   It's best to pour a dozen shots of booze...say adios to the Biden era, and welcome anything that follows. 

Sunday, 19 January 2025

The Ten New Realities of Life

 This is one of those essays that I get on the stump and preach about:

1.  Drugs and broken-homes....tend to lead to an outcome with no positives.  It's like an infestation of termites, and no willing nature to call the bug-guy.  Then one day you wake up and want to take care of the termites but now realize the home is a loss, with value gone.

2.  A kid with no finance sense might be stupid enough to borrow $120,000....get a degree, and discover that the degree will never get him more than $40k a year.  Then the idiot does the math to figure it's a twenty to twenty-five year period to pay back the $120,000 and that $40,000 at some local community college would have gotten you the same $40k a year salary. Around age forty, the 'kid' now comes to you...literally begging for $40,000 to pay off the remainder of the stupid loan.

3.  We are beleaguered on a daily basis by people stating a problem, then giving you two 'false' choices....meaning neither meets an acceptable reality.  You look at the guy explaining this (some intellectual type) and offer up a 3rd choice.  Then you get this ten-minute lecture....that there are only two false choices....don't go messing up their argument.  You wake up at this point, realizing dozens of problems exist, and you are routinely led to the false choice scenario.

4.  You stand in a church atmosphere....realizing one day that of the past twenty-five least fifty percent didn't have much to do with the Bible, but more so with political topics or global warming. You confront this reality and start looking at the Deacons and the Minister...wondering about this was a long-term strategy.

5.  Senators and House members are now waking up to the idea that Chinese secret agents are trying to get 'friendly' with them....offering money or sex as part of the deal.  It's going to be hard holding back 'feelings'.

6.  Basically, if you just read a science journal/magazine once a month can be a 'science-guy'.  Its silly and stupid, but there's over 3,000 science-guys appearing on TV in an average year, and a quarter of them are 'just' engineers....not even real scientists.  In the case of Bill Gates....he's just an expert on Excel or Powerpoint. 

7.  Once the minimum wage goes to $15....the clock at McDonalds starts ticking.  If you automate 75-percent of the can dispose of three-quarters of the man-power over the next decade.  What exactly will marginally-capable do then?  You don't need burger-flippers, ditch-diggers, or shelf-stockers at the grocery as automation arrives.  

8.  The value of a EdD degree (doctor of education)?  You basically can run a school....that's it.  On ranking worthless degrees....this is probably number one.

9.  The value of a trailer-park lifestyle in 2020?  Some folks need the benefit of local characters, drunks, and schizophrenics to liven up their life.

10.  Politics is now 99-percent theatrics.  People are wasting hours of everyday....trying figure out how 'Bay City' will go, if Pamela will leave David, if Doctor Winston is really gay, if the neighbors who just moved in are actually from Paraguay, or if Frederic has a tumor on his butt.  

The Mute-Generation

 I wrote this back in 2020, and came back to review....changing a phrase or two.

In the very early generation delivery of remote controls and TVs....mute wasn't an option.  Around 1956, an Austrian-born guy (electrical engineer) came up with the idea with the Zenith company.  

I suspect throughout the 1960s and was probably the least-used button on the remote control.  Lets admit it as well....folks in this era didn't go and pay the extra for the remote capability.  So in the 1980s....this became more popular.  

Today?  I probably hit the mute-button at least ten times a day.  I might flip over to a CNN news period for half-an-hour, and hit mute at least three or four times.  If I were sitting around for twelve hours and monitoring the various cable networks?  I'd hit the mute button over sixty times.  

The thing's not just for commercial breaks anymore. I hit mute when certain topics come BREXIT.  Or I'll hit it when some PhD guy comes on and wants to talk about polar bears eating too many penguins.  Last week, I was watching some business interview, and journalist was trying hard to get some CEO to just admit failure on some product, and I reached a mute-point with this conversation.

There are certain politicians now that I can stand about sixty seconds of commentary before I hit mute (Pelosi, Romney, and Jeb Bush).  With Dan Rather (of CBS fame)....just seeing him on the screen and about to enough for me to hit mute.  

Last year, I was watching a basketball discussion (retired players turned journalists and current players), and suddenly it turned into some discussion over social justice.....BAM, I hit the mute-button.  

The thing is....I don't think I'm alone.  I suspect across the US...there are a million of us mute-people.  Some of us have patience and some open-mind.  Some of us have 30 seconds of open-mind before we hit the mute.  I suspect the number increases each single year.  

At some point over the next decade....some Austrian-born engineer will probably come to design a mute-meter and start to report results back to 'MUTE.COM' and tell the world that one out of three people now mute Dan Rather.  Or they will have a 'will-mute' rating on Nancy Pelosi of 60 seconds....before a majority of people hit mute.  Then some discussion group will start up.....hyping that this mute-generation is now controlling a thought-process (actually the opposite....we don't want to hear them chatter).

All of this will start to worry folks because so much money is spent on CNN or Fox, or NPR....and if one out of three people regularly mute their chatter....well, that money is just going into an empty pit.

Yeah, whether it's positive or negative....we mute-people are now a threat to society and the future of America.  Frankly, we've had enough, and mute is our only weapon left. 

Ten Humble Observations

 1.  If you pay attention to the LA fire business....eventually, you realize that you could tell the public that one pump-truck and six firemen for a city of 500,000 would be enough 'protection', and the dumbass public would buy off on this shortsighted nature.

2.  After viewing the UFO interview from last night....I've come to two realizations: if all this stuff is true.....there must be 3,000 crashed alien craft in some warehouse, and these alien guys never get fired for losing craft.  

3.  It just looks bad for this Trump legal case where he's suing them for $10-billion.  In the end?  I reckon that the top 20-wage journalists for the network....will be let-go,  and you get a cheapass replacement crew for a while.

4.  If you haven't seen American Primeval (new cowboy series on Netflix)....I'd strongly recommend it. It is about as anti-woke as you can get.  Good guys....bad  guys....blood and guts.   

5.  I'll go and predict from the 20th network goes to interview former President Biden, period. 

6.  Greenland ends up with a exit-strategy from Denmark, and heavily engaged as a 'partner' of the the end of 2025.  Partnership level?  Closer than the UK, Canada, and Mexico.  

7.  LA has to admit by the end of February.....over 1,500 burnt-out home sites have been  'sold' or transferred.  Meanwhile, over 100 lawyers will have come to admit   contact to sue the planning commission of the county/city....if building permits are delayed in any fashion.

8.  Due to a Trump 'war' on the Mexican cartel folks....pricing for cocaine in the US triples by the end of April 2025.   Half of the cartel folks relocate to Venezuela by mid-summer.

9.  I'm reaching a point where I think 50-percent of the folks finishing high-school....are marginally at the 7th-grade level of 1977.   

10.  If you asked me to go off to a inauguration deal in mid-January....with a 25-degree spend 12-plus hours walking around.  NO....I wouldn't go.  This whole inauguration timing ought to be held in mid-April.  

Friday, 17 January 2025

Four Realities of the LA Fire in My Mind

 1.  Once people with burnt-out homes realize the property tax impact....that they are likely still paying 60-percent of the old property tax amount....possibly  up to four years before it can be rebuilt.....roughly 50-percent of folks will put the acreage up for sale, and leave the state.

2.  What idiots would go and buy the acreage (burnt-out) as a group-investor (buying 100 to 200 properties), unless you had a iron-clad promise by the Mayor that property taxes would be scaled for a year or two?

3.  What insurance company would come back in and provide coverage....unless it was approved to go up 50 to 100 percent?

4.  For all this talk of massive apartment construction.....when you do the math and income discussion....what middle-class family can afford $4k to $5k for a 3-bedroom apartment?  I see apartments being built, and delivered by the end of 2027....with a quarter of them sitting empty for a minimum of a year because of the outrageous rental cost.

Biden Poll

 Interesting survey done....question asked....Was Joe Biden's era a failure, and the response from 61-percent was yes.

I'll make three observations:

1.  From the end of 2021, almost weekly...I got the impression that decisions made in the White House, came from a group....not Joe Biden.  

2.  As bad as his mental decline was in 2021 and just intensified greatly in 2023/2024. 

3.  This continual delay by VP Harris....not to push Joe out....ended up in the election final three months....being seen as a good thing.  Even a seriously flawed Joe Biden....was probably a better President than Harris. 

A forgotten era?  In ten years....this topic won't be discussed.  As strange as it'll be a forgotten piece of history.

Thursday, 16 January 2025

Interesting Question

 I was reading today through social media BS, and someone asked the question....if the US government officially admitted to having recovered crashed UFOs and the biological remains of alien life-forms....what next?

I pondered over this.

I guess I'd lead off and did they crash, and if you (the gov't) rigged the situation to occur, and if this might might amount to some space-war with Borg-like guys?

Then I'd ask how sure you are....of them being stone-cold dead?

Finally, I'd ask....if their friends come looking for you have a good alibi for the crash and dead folks?

Wednesday, 15 January 2025

Just Pondering

 I pondered over the LA fire  business, and if I was one to have my $1.5-million house to burn up....with insurance in effect.

After a week of looking around....I'd come to realize that there aren't enough apartments within 200  miles for me and the family to linger/stay.

In my mind, there's just one avenue....go and buy a $25k travel trailer (probably from AZ or NV), haul it to the home-site (burned-up) and ask the city to hook it up to water, power and sewer.

So the first problem to come up....the power folks (run by incompetency)....will require at least a on-site evaluation (requiring three months just to be seen). Then their advice is that power can be hooked some point in late 2026 (figure 18 months of waiting).  

You end up with a solar platform in the burned-out site.....with marginal power for over a year.  

At this point, some city official arrives to examine your burned-site....where you had 12 solar panels (now burned-up), and just says this is a toxic zone....requiring a $700 evaluation by some certified gal to say if you need special $8k cleansing.

Then the water issue comes up.  Another review....another delay...this time for two  months.  They will admit that pipes function, and there is water there without any issues.  The chief problem?  They don't see a functional meter, and it'll take two months for them to acquire the meter and install it.

The meters?  Made in China, and you discover a year after installation....they are mostly defective.  

Garbage service?  Well....they send you a note to say sixty of their trucks burned up, and it might be December before they can run basic....once-a-month garbage pick-up.  You can make up for bringing your own garbage to such-and-such point each dump into a dump-truck.

Then the issue of things resembling a trailer-park....where your neighborhood of  sixty burned-out have sixty trailers set-up.  The city planning commission?  They aren't going to be easy-going on this issue.  I would assume by October...a limit of one year will exist for parked travel trailers.  

A strange phenonium will be noticed as folks underground stainless steel 12,000 tanks are buried in back-yards....for future fire-protection.  City regulations? By the end of least  25 pages of regulation will exist, and a department of underground water-tanks will exist, with some chief being paid $225,000 a year in control these tanks.

Oddly, an environmentalist group....the anti-stainless steel water-tank foundation will come into existence....saying this is not environmentally friendly.  Eventually, a guilt-tax (for each thousand need to pay $100 a year to ensure your fire protection situation).  

Meanwhile....some guy from Oregon will figure a way to haul 12,000 gallons of Oregon water down via I5....'stealing' the free water from some river and filling the individual tank up in LA.  Water-police will come to exist in both California and prevent this business scheme.

By the end of 2025, I'd suggest that almost 60-percent of those having lost homes....won't be staying and have exited the state.  

Oddly, in my scenario, of the 'dirt' properties put up for immediate sale....all will be bought by hedge-fund companies....but a year into the holding....they discover that no one is interested in moving into these neighborhoods or facing California incompetence.  A word will be invented....'Newsomed'....meaning you have a property asset that can't be marketed, and you lose money on your investment.

Finally, adding to least five percent of the burned-out folks....won't have the money for rebuilding, or moving.  So they end up in a homeless out of their car, and the LA mayor is now more determined than help the new homeless.

The Hearing Business

 I sat and watched about an hour of the Hegseth hearing yesterday.  There were two curious things I observed.

First, these protest folks in the crowd.  In particular....'General Pinky'.  

It just seems like they want some crazed  attract attention.   The more foolish....the better.

Second, the line of questions by the Senators....stuff you'd expect out of 5th grade kids.

If you were a Brit, or Chinese guy'd suspect it was a comedy TV show.

Tuesday, 14 January 2025

Where All This UFO-Alien-Drone Chatter Ends

 Between today and next Tuesday....there's some anticipated event to occur, where a fair amount of details fall into public view.  At  least....that's the suggestion if you follow the UFO 'world'.  

What all this hinges upon?  Some folks who've apparently run recovery-of-UFO projects, and they are in some state of disgruntlement....over the leadership and decisions made since the 1950s. 

My belief in this?  It would appear that the disgruntlement folks are viewing Trump's arrival as a moment to reset reality.  

So I'm going to suggest nine things:

1.  This admitting of aliens/UFOs....will involve tens of thousands of pages of details....which will be hard for people to follow, or make sense.

2.  At some point, the disgruntlement crowd will admit to holding aliens prisoner, and be viewed in a harshly negative way.

3.  About two days into this 'reveal'....people will stand and suggest that the whole story resembles bits and pieces of Star-Trek and Star-Gate TV shows.  To which....the producers of these shows will  admit that they were given material at build a script prepare people for this day.

4.  Some of the reveal....will suggest that mankind was planted and helped to evolve.  If you were kinda religious in might be in a fragile mindset at this moment.

5. The amount of hidden technology, and it's sudden revealed nature....will probably shock you more than the alien existence business.

6. A couple of thousand folks will jump onto the alien existence thing....purely for a sexual interest....wanting to hook-up.

7.   Someone will stand up and make a analytical judgement....that Earth is more like a 'West-World' situation....where aliens go for entertainment.

8.   As dramatic as this 'moment' will less than 30'll be removed from the news cycle,  and half of society will deem it a minor event by the end of 2025.

9.  Finally, within weeks, it'll be apparent that some Earth folks want to exit and get off the planet....hoping for travel opportunities with the aliens.

All of this.....with Trump as President?  Yeah, that's the unbelievable part of the story.  

Monday, 13 January 2025

The Safer/Better 'Game'

 Jake Sullivan.....Biden’s National Security Advisor....spoke up and said:  "The American people are safer and the country is better off than we were four years ago."

I paused over this comment from yesterday.

Safer?  NO.  

Better?  There's some pause for me over this. Things are more expensive, and every week....I see some company dissolving.  

There should be some alcoholic beverage for moments like four shots of something when a Biden-dope says stuff  like relax the mind.

The Rebuilding Idea?

I sat there today....listening to a Governor Gavin Newsom (California) statement....he had this 'plan' to rebuild Los Angeles, with the title something like "L.A. 2.0 under a Marshall Plan-like initiative'.

Billions required?  He didn't say the amount ....but it'd have to be way over $500-billion.

I pondered over it for five minutes, and came to these three issues:

1.  Even if you laid the cash....these idiots were geniuses who made the fire threat to such a remarkable level, and would do so again....meaning another Newsom-like character would appear in five to ten years....talking about rebuilding L.A. 3.0 under another Marshall Plan-like initiative.

2.  The building permit business....would lead to fewer than 250 structures a this Marshall  Plan deal....might take 25 years to erect.

3.  Finally, it would logical that environmentalists would fight this limit the rebuilding to  half the present size, and to make it carbon-free as much as possible. 

After The Fire Business Ends....What Next?

 I worked with a officer (in my AF years) that was hooked into a master's degree program, and he was taking a risk analysis course.  So we got into a discussion one day in the vault.

He laid out the mental side of chaos....where people are just overly consumed when massive events occur in their life.  In the initial week....they simply absorb the 'mess'....trying to understand things.  Around the 10th day of this start looking for a way out....a 'path'.  By day want to forget about the initial problem, and get as far away from the mess as possible.

In this LA fire the end of the first day of reality....where you've been to  the home and found nothing exists.  You call your insurance agent....realizing now that of his 5,000 are number 2,003 in line. 

Around 72 hours after your contact...someone from out-of-state calls you...from the insurance company.  They want to assure you of 'things-working'.  The package is discussed, and they warn you that these settlements take time.   Then they remind you....your coverage was 'X', and the maximum check they can write is $.2-million.  Then they make it sound great that they are giving you a check now for $20,000 to cover temporary living expenses.  

Then you will you get the check....since the mailbox situation is non-existent?  There's a long pause...the agent isn't sure.  'More to come' is the response.

Four days pass, and you get another call....they have a camper-office at such-and-such address.....if you stop by....the check will be issued.

So you get the $20k check and discover that the bank building you typically used....burned down.  The next alternate site?  That burned as well.  You end up driving 12 miles to a operating bank....only to find that they will cash the check but you can only have $2,000 in funds until the 7th day.  

This is where you start to grumble.

You start to  talk to construction folks about rebuilding.  They let you know....just getting a permit might be two years (minimum).  Then you get into a discussion about the old home value of $1.75-million....can't be built for that price in this atmosphere. You need to start assuming (with their advice)....once the new house is built....the final bill will be near $2.9-million. 

So you drive to the bank to talk loans.  It's a mix of positive talk and depressing views.  This is the day that you drive to the local motel where you, the wife and two kids are staying.  You consume a fair amount of booze that night.

The next get up and the wife wants to  have a 'Jesus-moment' conversation.....asking why are we staying here?

Over the next 24 linger over the idea....maybe this is it (the exit from California).  You realize that even if  you rebuild....another fire was possible because of the idiot way that the city and county function.  

So when April comes and the final check is load everyone up in the car, and like some moment out of John Steinbeck's 'Grapes of Wrath' are taking the family back to Missouri, Kansas, or Iowa.  The $2-million check? goes a long ways, and a regular home in Iowa runs $300,000.  

A year passes and you quietly is different.  You live around city/county administrators who seem to be competent.  Stress is less.  You miss the weather but things are better than ever.

Sunday, 12 January 2025

How This Greenland - US Matter Will End?

 My humble view is that the Prime Minister of Greenland (Múte B. Egede) will have a face-to-face meeting with President Trump within four weeks of the inauguration. Egede will return to  Greenland and within two weeks....announce that two matters will be pursued by the end of 2025.

First, a exit-plan and vote to leave be a independent country, with second ballot on the same day to determine if they remain within the EU or stay totally independent.  This will happen by late 2025.  

Second, a second vote will occur in early 2026....assuming they exit Denmark...on one of three options: (1) stay independent but build a close trade relationship with the US, (2) opt for a US territory/state situation, or (3) build a EU/US trade relationship while being independent.

On exiting Denmark....I'll go and predict that it passes by a factor of 75-percent or more.

The ballot to stay within the EU?  Closer to 50-50.

Finally, I'm not convinced of the public there wanting a US-statehood situation. No one has ever polled folks, and while there is a fair amount of anti-Denmark negativity....I think people mostly want a independent status (like Iceland).

My Five Predictions Over The Fire Business

 1.  Over the next four weeks....a massive legal effort (over 1,000 lawyers) will start up....uing the city, county and a tune of $500-billion. Insurance companies will be behind the effort to some degree.

About a week into this from the state...wake up and realize that while  the city and county has 'some' won't cover  more than 2-percent of the amount.  So the reality is...if the case concludes successfully....the city, county and state would be bankrupt unless NEW taxes come forth.

This will in turn....trigger people in California who had no participation in  stress out, pack-up, and exit the state by the end of 2025.

2.  We will discover that countless numbers of 'IDIOTS' are city or county employees and have no idea what their function is, but they make $120k to $200k yearly.

3.  The public will discover the chief of water services was just a 'empty-suit', and highly unqualified for the job.

4. By April, the mayor will agree that she can't carry out her function because of the negativity.  The city council arranges a temporary measure....with the public realizing that they simply shifted one empty-suit bureaucrat for another empty-suit bureaucrat.

5. Some wealthy billionaire will buy up property for his own personal reservoir, with aa desalinization plant drawing in sea-water to fill his 'tank'.  He'll then offer to sell the water to the state at some massive cost in  emergencies.

Saturday, 11 January 2025

Can The President Issue A Pardon To Someone Without A Conviction?

 Simple answer....yes.

However, in this wording, he has to say something about the anticipated crime that a investigation would be about. For example....the pardon might not cover bribes in the time period, or tax issues.

If he fails to cover 100-percent of the crime?  Then the pardon has limited to zero value.

On top of this problem with Biden....if you come  out later to  find that Biden's mental capacity was a problem....then the pardon is of zero value.

So after 20 January....I anticipate some state AGs....will be going to court, and President Trump will nullify all  of the pardons and executive orders....leaving a massive court mess for the Supreme Court to spend five up.

Califoria Real Estate Rumors

 I sat and read over a LA real estate story.....some real estate folks are talking to Governor Newsom.  What they desire?  As rebuilding comes up....they want chunks of the neighborhoods which are designated as single-family homes....changed over to multi-family 'homes' (meaning apartments/condos).  Newsom.....says little about this idea so far.

Some belief that new Californians (migrants)....that would be moving in?  Maybe.

But I sat pondering this.....two issues.

First, building permits are a mess even before the fire, and it'll triple-up after the fire.

Second, insurance companies aren't likely to cover these regions ever even if you get permits to build....what bank would sign on if the insurance situation isn't stable?

Maybe there are idiot real estate people in this game....thinking things will come out positive.  

But once you sit and start talking about the Costal Commission, the building-permit folks, the banks to arrange mortgages, and the insurance lacking?  It's a joke.

Friday, 10 January 2025

My Assessment Of This California Fire Business

 In the end  (probably the middle of next week)....I'll say near 250,000-plus are burned-out.  Most of them will have fire-insurance, but I'd take a fair guess (based on news accounts)....that 10-percent didn't have fire insurance.

So problem number one....while you might have insurance and be told in two to three  months....a check will get some negative feelings about rebuilding/staying in California.

Then the issue of getting insurance money and rebuilding.  You ask a expert on it, and he indicates that if want a building permit....under normal'd be 18-to-36 months before approval comes.  Then he says....with this mass might be 8-to-10 years now.  So you review options.....and by August....exit California.  My guess?  From the ultra-wealthy.....roughly 90-percent  leave.   From the middle-class....50-percent  leave.

Affect on the 2030 Census?  200,000 fewer people in the region.

People just dumping the empty lot onto the state, and refusing to pay property taxes?  I'd say by June....that's a major problem, and the state admitting that property tax income is a serious loss.

Lawsuits? Some lawyers will band together and 100-billion lawsuits are engaged....with the city, county and state being accused of incompetence.  Insurance coverage by the county and city?  They will be given a warning that massive increases will occur if they lose this case.  Property tax increases in 2026?  I'd go and suggest two to three times in terms of a increase  will occur, with even more people leaving.

Wednesday, 8 January 2025

The Unfair Advantages In Life

 Back in 1980, I took a community college class in logic-101.  It was taught by a visiting Italian professor, who went through 30-odd exercises per evening class....that mostly geared you to exercise your mind....determine pluses/minuses, and come to the rational best guess decision.  Oddly, at the end of the semester....there was simply a class meeting with no test.  We had to discuss rational decisions and how best guesses guided you in life.

Yeah, it probably was the best college class I ever took, and had value for  my entire life.

I've probably used logic at least forty times a day....for most of my life. It simply makes sense.

Unfair advantage?  I saw this story today and thought about this for an hour.  

Even if you talked over logical decisions and trying to resolve problems....I'd assume 50-perent of people are prone to be anti-logic, and have a mindset to always make a poor decisions.  

Processing The 3 Canadian Territories Into The US?

 Up on the northern 'front'....lays the Yukon (bumping against Alaska), the Northwest Territory (in the middle) and on the right....Nunavut.

Populations?  Yukon  (46.7k), Nunavut (41k) and the Northwest Territory at 44.7k.

None of the three are big enough (population-wise) to be states....however, if  you bump  Greenland into a deal and offer them statehood (having only 55,000)'d have bump these three eventually (say in a dozen years) as states.

Processing all three as one individual state?  It makes more sense, but status-wise....I think all three would complain.

New States And Their Likely Names

 1.  British Columbia?  The original folks from the region....Squamish tribal folks....gave the name  K'emk'emeláy̓ which happens to mean "place of many maple trees".

K'emk'emeláy̓ would likely be used.

2.  Alberta likely stays Alberta.

3.  Saskatchewan would likely change....the Cree tribe used the name originally of  “Kisiskatchewanisipi”.

4.  Manitoba?  It would revert to a Cree tribal name of 'Manitou'.

5.  Ontario?  Skanadario....meaning sparkling the regional Indians.

6.  Quebec?  It stays Quebec....that was the original Indian word.

7.  New Brunswick?  The Indians didn't really have a name for the area, but when the first folks arrived in 1690.....they got to calling it Prigmore's Swamp....after a local guy who lived in the region.

Personally, I like Prigmore Swamp.

8. Novo Scotia?  Well....the Indians used “Mi'kma'ki”, and the French called it “Acadia”.  Either name would work.

9.   Newfoundland?   The Inuttitut/Inuktitut name was Ikkarumikluak, meaning "place of many shoals".  Would work fine.

10.  Prince Edward Island? Local Indians called Prince Edward Island “Abegweit”, which means “cradled in the waves”. 

I should also note that as French settlers came in....they called it “ÃŽle St-Jean”.  Isle  of Saint Jean.....would be a nifty state name.

Am I going too far?  No.

I'd make this a regional vote process.....put down two or three name options, and just let people  pick their choice.

Tuesday, 7 January 2025

This Expansion Chatter

 A year ago, if you'd said that Canada and Greenland might be on some path to a US status....I would have laughed.  Today?  I think if you engaged the Greenland (56,000)....around 75-percent would at least talk over the deal  and ask questions. 

Part of this issue....there's a serious disconnect between two Greenland  groups....the 'elite' folks (numbering around 20 percent) are pro-Denmark, and want to keep that status going. The 'other' folks are more of a native Indian/Eskimo situation and lean mostly toward an independent status (dumping Denmark).

Offering a deal, and statehood? It's crazy but you might wake up by the end of 2026...with a five-year plan to bring them in as a state. 

I also this starts to occur....Guam is likely to get a statehood status (172k population). 

As for Canada?  Look....polling typically suggests that maybe a quarter of the population (40-million) might look favorably at this idea of getting statehood status with the US.

Reality?  Economically...over the past decade....things have gone south, and there's a bitterness building up. It's possible that you might get near 50-percent agreeable to statehood  status.

But then it comes up....10 provinces, and 3 would you design this?  Ten new states?  Maybe 13 new states?

So could we wake up in 2030, and find 15 new states?  I give it a 10-percent  chance.

Confusing?  Yeah, but that's the key gimmick of this 'sale'....actual 'change'.  

Are there going to be anti-expand folks?  I would imagine CNN is recruiting ten experts to play this role.  

Sunday, 5 January 2025

Ten Things I Tend To Believe Or Disbelieve

 1.  The US funds or runs at least forty-odd biological weapon labs outside of the just makes me wonder what exactly of value do you have with so many?  It's like a paint-by-numbers picture, where I'm missing the '1' and '8'.

2.  If you are lined up to believe Joe Biden has dementia....what year do you  start?  2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, or 2024?  I'm leaning toward January 2020.  I also think the court system will come up shortly....saying the pardons and executive orders are invalid because of his dementia.

3.  I'd be willing to lay down a $1,000 bet....the Army medical folks won't admit what drugs they were prescribing to the Vegas special forces guy.

4.  Even if you put warning labels on booze bottles (booze causes cancer).....I still think out of 10,000 booze-drinkers....9,998 would still consume the same amount of booze.

5.   I'm leaning toward the alien-Grays existing, and that they might not be a friendly sort of alien.

6.   I expect by the end of 2025.....some effort to force all 75-and-older Senators/Congressmen to retire.

7.  I don't think any news attention will occur with Barak Obama, from 20 January on.

8.  Ball-play in the NBA is so bad....that I think the 2025 audience will shrink by 30-percent. 

9.  I suspect by the end of 2025....more than 100 bank brands will have collapsed....mostly holding commercial real estate  that is worthless.  

10 I think a US versus the Mexican cartel 'war' will start by May, and shock people to the extent of destruction.  The price of drugs in the US by August?  Triple what you were paying in April.

Saturday, 4 January 2025

The Re-Charge 'History' Of The Cyber-Truck Army Guy

 Thanks to can review the route taken by the supposedly dead Army guy from the Vegas Trump Hotel.

First stop for recharging after picking up the vehicle?  Leaving Denver, he arrives at Monument, Colorado....a 59-mile ride.  Yeah, you typically get 340 miles on one charge.  So it is awful  early in the trip to charge-up.

Second stop?  Trinidad, CO.  He got 148 miles on this charge-up.

I should note here....a typical complete charge would take 2.5 hours.  If you didn't need a full charge....then 60 to 90 minutes would be enough.

Third stop?  Las Vegas, NM.  130 miles accomplished on this 'leg'.

Fourth stop? 127 miles 'leg'....arriving in Albuquerque.

Fifth stop?  Gallup, NM.  144 mile leg.

Sixth stop?  Holbrook, NM.  95 mile leg.

Seventh stop? Flagstaff, AZ.   90 mile leg.

Eighth stop?   Kingman, AZ.  146 mile leg.

Finally arriving in Las Vegas and last charge-up.  107 mile leg.

So you do the math here....about every 100 miles of driving (assuming at 70 mph)....he's pausing for 90 minutes charge-up.

Was there a more direct route?  Yes....but you would avoid that in winter....typically.

Is he charging up a lot?  This is a region with limited off-ramps, and limited charging stations.  You can't be picky.

Is he sleeping and resting in these pauses? Well....this part of the don't know.  FBI says he didn't rent a hotel was go-and-pause for the whole  trip.

Using camping gear?  Well...he bought the gear prior to the you assume he was camping in some way.

Most economic vehicle for this drive to Vegas?  Back in early 2024, it was in the $225 range (per-day).  It's NOT a cheap vehicle to rent.

If you were asking me for a vehicle to rent, then to drive from Denver to Vegas....out of a thousand  possibilities.....this would rank near the bottom.  

Do I believe any part of the suicide story, the gravitational drones, etc? just all seems faked-up.  It could be a paranoid shizophrenic episode, with a drug mixture....with one or two pieces of facts, and  the other 70-percent of the story being faked-up....either by this guy, the gov't, or some 'friend'. 

Thursday, 2 January 2025

The Hair-Dryer Incident

 In the early 1960s...Barksdale AFB had a project where they were replacing all of the WW II barracks.  There was a row of 12 buildings erected and completed around 1963.  

When I got there in 1981...they were 18 years old.  To be honest....they had serious problems by this point.

I probably killed at least forty cockroaches a week in my room (3rd floor).  The AC marginally worked.  The original carpet had a funny mildew smell.  The mattress (original one) was crap. 

Along about 15 months of residency there...I came 'home' one day around 4 PM, and was there to change clothing and get my book for the evening college class.  Some disturbance occurred on the first floor....requiring a fire-truck/ambulance and the alarm was for folks  to leave the building.  I went to the two evening classes.....I didn't get back till almost 10 PM.

The building was dark.  The normal  door I'd  enter was 'engaged' in some way, and I had trouble opening it.

Some guy came to the door and said there was a natural gas leak  in the building.  Some guy on the first floor had showered around 4 PM...come into the room to run his hair dryer, and lit a smoke....having this 'FLASH' of fire erupt (this was the guy who needed the ambulance).

So I was allowed to grab 2 days of clothing....and directed to the base hotel.  

A week later....the word came down.  The base refused to renovate anything more in this zone....everything was to be torn down within 18 months.  

The $hit that hit the fan? Well...the AC was crap from that point on.  The last 3 months of this era?  Winter period, and the heat  marginally worked.  It was enough the final 4 weeks to keep the room at 45 F (yeah, brisk).  

I was transferring overseas....a week or two after that...they moved everyone to a brand new building.

The new building?  Well....I talked to someone who'd  been there in the mid 2000s, and they indicated this entire row of new buildings (1984 finished) were crap by 2000 and they were already planning the next batch of new barracks.  

Looking At This New Orleans and Vegas Terror Acts

 Just odd.

Both were US Army and at different times....passed through Fort Bragg.

The Muslim guy in N-O....had earned a DoD medal for Global War on Terrorism Service Medal.

Both rent vehicles from Turo.

The Vegas guy? He lives in Colorado....rents the Tesla Cyber-truck from there....drives it 800 miles to Vegas.  He selects a vehicle which will absorb the fireworks explosion fairly well....intending just to kill himself at the Trump hotel, but not really doing much damage to the hotel or killing others.

The N-O guy....does his act at 3 AM?  If he'd been out at 11:30 PM....he probably would have killed five times the number of people.

The first thing the FBI wants you to know....the N-O guy is not a terrorist. Within six hours....that statement is regarded as a joke.