Tuesday, 28 January 2025

The Reverse On Kicked-Out Military Folks?

 President Trump issued an E/O....which basically says....if you were kicked out of the military (2022/2023) because you refused the Covid vax....you will be offered a chance to re-enter, and paid all lost wages.

I sat and contemplated the wage stuff.  For an E-6 (figure 12 to 16 years in)....with housing figured....three years minimum to be paid....so in the $120k-plus paid out. 

A smart guy will take the re-enter deal....put the $120k into a IRA/stock, and work three to six additional years...then retire (collecting his pension).

How many folks?  Well...for active duty folks....up around 8k to 9k.

Some bad blood lingering?  If you were one of these folks and come across the commander who pushed you out....it's not going to be a friendly matter. 

The smart guy here?  If you were approaching age forty....ready to clear out and retire with 22 years of service by 2030....that $120k invested wisely....by age fifty....could put you into a terrific early retirement position.  

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