Friday, 7 February 2025

Five Things I Kinda Noticed

 1.  If you were a business or farmer, and had a dozen illegals as your main manpower....for ten years, and never paying them legit wages, or covering state/federal might not want to admit this in public, as to explaining why your operation is in failure mode.

2.  If you follow Chicago news....the backers/donor folks have kinda started to exit the Obama Presidential Center project.  

3.  This week....reading through the WaPo business section....I'm rather shocked to learn the economy is in a spiral, and appears awful fragile.  Just odd...four years of signals and never any questions, and now they'd like to lay out problems.

4.  Just Nevada this week....the state admitted more Republicans now registered to vote....than Democrats.  It's been over 20 years when that last occurred.

5.  Trump signed off on giving Israel the 'ultimate' bunker-buster bomb.  This is the type that you'd drop on a target that will bust a 20-ft concrete wall at 100 ft in the dirt.  Begs the question  what exactly they will be engaging.

1 comment:

LargeMarge said...

Those nincompoops are dead-set on escalating TheForeverWar™ in perpetuity.
To continue the grift, they need to see enemies in pretty much everybody.
keyword : nincompoops with weapons