Saturday, 1 February 2025


 1.  For roughly a decade, there's been a decline in the NBA audience....attributed to a dozen-odd things (high scores is one of them).

So I read this week....the NBA is discussing the idea of  running a 10-minute quarter...rather than 12-minutes.  Their belief....8 less minutes would mean some less scores (I would assume 8 to 15 points less for each team).

2.  There's not a single day that passes....where I don't see the term 'Nazi' uttered.   Oddly, even though they are socialists.....the term is applied to right-wing radical bad socialists (at least that's the pretend-game I'm watching).

3.  I watched Hillbilly Elegy this week (basic story of JD Vance, VP).  I'll just say....'Grandma' is the only reason why the kid succeeded in life.

4.  At some point shortly, I expect  the LGB-community to have a meeting, and escort the T/Q folks out...telling them to start their own 'club'.

5.  H.R. 899 is on the draft-board of the House of Representatives...reads: one sentence bill to TERMINATE the federal department of education.  Will pass the House....Senate, I'm not sure about.

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