Tuesday, 4 March 2025

My Snacko Era

 In my final couple of years in the Air Force....I volunteered to be the vault 'snacko'...meaning a duty to stock a refrigerator and sell sodas/snacks.  This was a group of 40 folks who were my 'customers'.

I developed this tactic of knowing the commissary system...where discounted items (sometimes one-third off) were offered. By the sixth month of operation....I was easily making $180 to $200 in profit on a monthly basis. At the end of each month...I'd run a free burger grill operation..

So one day at the base quickie-mart....at Ramstein...I turned the corner and here was a pallet of 'Michael Jackson Mystery Drink'.  

Basically....a heavy caffeine tea 'juice' was the wording on the BX card.

They were offering a case for 32-cents a can. I figured....what the hell, and bought a case for the snacko operation.

 Thirty days into the mystery drink episode....zero had been bought.

I decided one day to open a can...taste....and walk around with the can in my hand.  Taste? Just a crappy ultra-sweet tea.

The case sat there for most of a year.   I sold a total of two cans out of that experience.  

The end came....expiration date on the cans.  I popped the top of the remaining cans and dumped all of them....for a loss. 

1 comment:

Bigus Macus said...

We ran a Gedunk in my group while I at command as did several other groups in the building. The command made us shut down as they competed with the Special Services cafeteria.