Monday, 17 March 2025

Ten General Rules I Live By

 1.  If someone seems whacko and full-up crazy....I don't give them time to explain things to me or detail their childhood, or their relationship to the second wife, or the month they spent in some Peruvian jungle, or their experiences with drugs/alcohol.

2.  Generally, the more technology you throw into something....the less likely I'm thrilled to buy it.

3.  There is always a plan-B roaming around in my head.

4.  If there appears to be at least a foot of flood-water on the road.....I'm reversing and returning to my starting point.

5. If a story is overly complicated and requires five minutes to probably will lose me at the end of two minutes.

6.   Focus upon things you can control.  If you can't control x-number of things....avoid them.

7.  Don't be stupid and promise 3,000 things....promise only what you can deliver.

8.  Any resort that offers up a package of all-inclusive 'drinks' (like cocktails)....usually gives you something of low-content alcohol.  So always bring a flask along on such trips, and 'reload' your drink with the flask.

9.  If some 'deal' seems overly complicated (taking 10 minutes to explain)....probably should be a deal to avoid.

10.  If you've met someone at the airport, lounge, or city park....who seems to be wanting to drag you into a conversation on's probably like a PTSD-thing and they feel either guilty, or stupid.  Give them five minutes of your patience....then retreat/leave.  

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