Saturday, 22 March 2025

Three Humble Observations

 1.  Whats to come of these judge situations and the Trump Administration?

Article III, Section 1 of the Constitution says....judges can hold their office/ long as they show "good behavior".

I would speculate toward July....patience will have run out, and compensation/pay will be terminated because of the behavior issue.  At that point, the President will give the Supreme Court one chance to clean up the mess, and they will fail.   Then you will have one-hundred-plus judges working for free.  We'll see how long this can work.

2.  By the end of 2025....the news media  will actively discuss the idea that the Democratic Party is 'broke'.  

What comes in 2026?   At least forty House seats held by the Democrats will likely shift to Republicans, along with six Senate seats.  In  2027, I would suggest at least two groups trying to rebuild the Democratic to a far-left extreme and one to a moderate degree.   2028?  Building up to be a mess.

3.  Chatter off the internet says (BS maybe) can earn $100 if you attend the "Oligarchy Tour" run by Bernie Sanders and AOC.  The tour?  Roughly a 90-minute event, if the chatter is true.   So you could waste 1.5 hours of your time.....earning a $100.   


Bigus Macus said...

I don't know if you follow LI, but I found this of interest;

LargeMarge said...

Judges, bought and blackmailed.
Whomsoever would do such a thing?
My bet would be that certain old familiar 'foreign influence' we cannot criticize.
'What Would Clintons Do'
Suicide judges by the dozens?
An aside:
I automatically presume anything from any bureaucrat at any level of any government -- judges, Presidents, dog-catcher -- is a self-serving manipulative lie.
So far, I am batting a thousand!