Tuesday 7 April 2020

Next NY Problem

Last night, it came up as a new 'rumor' in NY City.....the New York City Council Health Committee met and suggested that they are looking at using city parks for temporary burial grounds.....(trenches will be dug for 10 caskets in a line) because the city morgues, funeral homes and cemeteries are so 'overwhelmed'.

I sat and pondered over this.  Normally, upon death....a family member or friend of the family would go and 'claim' the body via some funeral agency within 24 hours....maybe 48 hours at the most. 

Then you'd set up the arrangements and have the funeral in a matter of three to six days. 

So, the real question here....are New Yorkers incapable of handling a simple task like this? 

I watched some video two days ago....a NY funeral home director (some small-time operation).  The guy had twelve dead folks in a room big enough for four folks.  The director was at his wit's end.....he couldn't get families to react and make a decision on the arrangements.  Some folks in his possession were on their ninth day of 'waiting'. 

So to use a city park for a temp 'burial-ground'?  I'd make a simple rule....you have five days to pick up your relative from a morgue and seven days to conduct the funeral.  After those limits.....we (the city) bury your relative in a no-name cemetery in upstate NY.   No temporary status or waste of city park land. 

It's a stupid problem, but it's the type that you'd need to go and ask President Trump at the news conference what he's going to do about the dead bodies laying around NY City, and his response would be a direct....'well, just bury them'. 

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