Thursday 4 June 2020

CNN Townhall Meeting on Racism

So it was announced this morning, that this racism topic will discussed at the 'virtual' Townhall deal run by CNN. 

Then the big news came....Elmo and Big Bird will be there as well.

I sat there and tried to envision how this would work, and how CNN's sixteen viewers would handle this.

The problem I see....certain Americans are very racist about cartoon characters.  I will admit that I've been anti-Coyota ever since I started watching the Roadrunner cartoons.  I also don't care much for the Care-Bears.  And to be honest, I'm very much against the Deputy 'Dawg' character. 

Introducing Elmo and Big Bird?  It makes this into a joke.  I assume they are thinking that 4-year old kids are watching CNN in the time-slot, and maybe they can get them onboard....early on in life.

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