Thursday 4 June 2020

Odds of an Election in November?

Well....if you have the protest thugs still in operation and feeling frisky, I'd say that they'd attempt to intimidate voters, shut down voting stations, and create a violent confrontation scene with police and National Guard. 

It's also possible that armed non-protesters would show up to vote, and conduct citizen's arrests, and inflame the childish thugs even more. 

In this path, you'd have Trump 'win', but hundreds of thousands would say that they never had a chance to vote for Joe Biden, because of the polling station issues. 

Various lawsuits would then occur, challenging each state, and trying to prolong the mess long enough....that the Electoral College is not actually able to function. 

A challenge to democracy and the Republic?  I would suggest at this point (after the election)....that we are in the midst of civil war, and voter anger would go to a new level. 

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