Sunday 19 July 2020

The Dinosaur Path for the News Media

This morning, I gazed at a Rasmussen Report.

They did this survey asking people about how they felt of the media, and if the news media was biased.

So....87-percent of Republican voters said yes. 

Oddly....42-percent of Democratic voters said yes.

Overall....63-percent of people interviewed said that big guys of the news media....have their own political agenda.

So you gaze at this.

How would you resolve this?  The only answer....tell the news people for a 30-minute newscast....only three minutes can be political, then you have to settle for tornado chatter....nutritional stuff....wild dog attacks....or corruption in Chicago.

The fact that 42-percent of Democrats believe this as well?  It has to be unsettling to sit on the national agenda level and realize that people aren't buying into the use of the news media for your agenda. 

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