Sunday 20 September 2020

Bring Back Roller Derby

 I have this idea for a sports function to put on opposite of NFL football....since we've all gotten to a point of hating it.

Bring back roller derby.

My suggestion would be....take the old dimensions......25 ft across and 60 ft long, in a oval shape.....double that somewhat....60 ft across and 150 ft long.

I'd add one-rope (ten-foot long) as a part of the derby.  I'd add a mini-bike with 10-Hp to sling-shot folks on the first two rounds around the derby. I'd add rubber matting for the derby gals/guys.  And I'd mandatory nicknames for all players (Wicked-Wanda, Fancy-Dancy, Hocus-Pocus, Cowboy Bob) 

In a matter of weeks, I think my style of roller derby would take off and consume a third of the NFL audience members.    

1 comment:

bob searcy said...

frankly ,
id rather watch the test pattern ( complete with endless beep ) on old timey tv myself .