Sunday 20 September 2020

Timing and RBG

 In the Ruth Bader Ginsburg business....timing is everything, or nothing.

You go back to 2013/2014....approaching 80, and she already had health-related issues.  

President Obama had a majority Senate in his favor.  She could have easily drawn the curtain, said enough, and retired.  She didn't.

In November of 2014....everything in the Senate flipped.  Republicans controlled a clear majority. 

So come January of 2015, President Obama didn't have the slant in his favor on picks.  If she wanted a person of her legal probably wasn't going to pass via the she waited....figuring Hillary Clinton would win, and have some 'extra' control over the selection process. 

Well....November 2016 rolls around, and Hillary's 'boat' sailed in the opposite direction.  

For four years, and through marginalized health, RBG waited.  Her hopes?  To make it to January of 2021, and President Biden fixing this mess.

What'll happen now?  Among the possible names on the list....there's this conservative Cuban-American female judge from Florida.  It wouldn't surprise me if she was the name, and it'd turn into serious poison if the Democratic Senators slammed her in any fashion.  

As for RBG's wish to get the 'right' person?  She had that chance in 2013.  She could have retired and written books.....while President Obama would have selected his choice.  

1 comment:

Bigus Macus said...

Judge Barbara Lagoa could be a ringer