Sunday 18 October 2020

A Baseball Chat

 We are days away from the 2020 baseball season ending.  My interest in this season....between the Covid business and childish political stances being played virtually zero.

But we are entering the point where various contracts on players are supposed to up for renewal or new teams bidding on players.

The number of 4-star players up for new contracts?  Roughly 35 folks.  

The odds of no-pay-raises in twenty of these?  I'd give it pretty high chance.

The odds that five of these players might not be offered contracts at all?  Yes, that's another high chance situation.

The odds that none of them get more than a three-year contract?  Another high chance situation.

If you were an agent to these'd be a dismal period to walk and talk money with the teams.

Can you even make a real estimate of a player's value....based on the marginal season of 2020?  No, that's another problem with this whole discussion.

Will they even attempt a true 160-game season in 2021?  I'd question that logic, and suggest at might be looking at a 120-game or less 2021 season. 

Screwed-up?  Yes, and just another reason why I have no real interest looking ahead at base (or football, or NBA action).  

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