Sunday 18 October 2020

The Month After the Election

 Financially speaking....roughly 20-percent of the nation (if you believe what the financial chat folks are saying)....will be out of 'capital' to survive in the four weeks after the election.  In simple terms, by Thanksgiving....a new harsh reality will have occurred.

Similar in nature to the period of the Wall Street crash in the year after the 4 September 1929 event?  In this case, it's not related to banks lacking's individuals (regular people) who will lack the cash.

Resolving this by the House in the month after the election? I don't think so.  All indications show that various states will not have concluded their election count and all emphasis by the news networks will focus upon this....rather than the personal dilemma of 50-odd million Americans.

With stimulus money, open society and business operations, and ban rules in effect...there's a crash coming.  It probably doesn't matter if Trump wins, or Biden wins, or we have no move onto 3 January and the use of the back-up system.  

Holding governors, mayors, and various political leaders responsible?  It's hard to see this happening.

So I'll suggest these five things coming down the pike:

1.  A lot of people are going to be forced out of their leases, and pack cars to head 'home'.  They are hoping that Mom and Dad can sustain them in this period of crisis (whether this is good idea or not....doesn't matter).  

2.  I would expect a fair number of people residing in NY City, LA, and be part of this next wave.  But I'd go further to suggest people coming out of Miami, Houston, Chicago, and other urbanized centers.

3.  The news media will act like they never saw this coming.  In truth, they've been disconnected from society for well over twenty years.  

4.  Social media (Facebook and Twitter) will sow massive discontent.  People will talk about their fall from 'grace', and hype on revolution.

5.  Neither Trump or Biden will have any vision to resolve this....other than trying to get people back to work.  If governors don't want to participate...then Bide/Trump action won't matter.

So on the morning after the election....mark your calendar and start observing the national trend.  That four weeks will be pretty rough.  

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