Saturday 24 October 2020

Camp Idea

 Over the past couple of years, I've come to note a number of young people (mostly college-age or in their early 30s)....jabbering about the great advantages of living a highly socialist world.  They usually mean Finland, Germany or Iceland.  

Their general problem, is that they've never been to these places, and they certainly don't have a frame of reference for what they are talking about.

Added to this....they'd like for the government to set income levels, pricing for housing, and see that that no company makes any profit.  In simple poor people, no rich people. 

So I'd like to put a suggestion out there....around age send kids off for the summer to 'Camp Soviet'.  It'd be a four-week experience where you get dumped into a 1970s Soviet-type kid's camp.  You give them the whole experience of communism and socialism, for four weeks.  

I suspect after that month-long experience....they'd get all of this out of their system, and never talk about this ever again.  

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