Saturday 24 October 2020

Newest Worry for Tesla Factory in Germany

 RBB (Berlin public TV) got around to an interesting update on the Tesla factory being put up about 45 minutes SE of Berlin.

The local water association.....Strausberg-Erkner Water Association (WSE)...started chatting this week over a fear that they will not be able to supply Tesla with water on a long-term basis.

Their direct thoughts?  Basically a two-year supply or reserve on hand, and then the water would be turned off.

True or not?  Unknown.  A lot of criticism has been generated in this area to hinder or halt the placement of this factory.  In terms of reacting and putting in more reserves or drilling for more wells? one seems to say a word, and you kinda wonder if they are extremely set in a pattern, without change.

If the factory construction halts, and the whole thing goes say....Czech?  You would basically mark off all of eastern Germany as unable to accept a factory or desiring to create jobs.  For almost thirty years.....this lack of job creation has been talked about greatly in what was old DDR (East Germany).  So along comes the first real company to talk technology type jobs, and then hindering the progress.

Added to this whole discussion.....this entire region (southeast of Berlin) is full of lakes and there appears to be an abundant watershed in the region.  If you have a shortage....get the state government involved.....drill wells, and lay out pipes to the WSE site.  

Or if this is all too much to handle....just say so, and let the factory go to Czech.  I'm sure they know how to handle situations like this.  

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