Friday 16 October 2020

'Daniel' Trump

 I saw this image today....Trump painted in a den of lions (like the Daniel from the Bible story).

Trump stood there, gazing at the light through the cell windows, and the lions just wandered around him...unable to react or take him down.  Hindered, perhaps.

Somewhere along about age seven or so as a kid....I remember getting this 'Daniel in the cage with lions' story.

Naturally, being a skeptic even then...I asked how one would do this safely.  The response just happened and you need to accept the story.  It didn't sell that well to me.

Some guy sat down and made up some art....with Trump playing the role of Daniel. I saw it yesterday and kinda admired it.

The thing about it....if you went out to some flea-market operation and had 500 of these mounted on a frame....big 2x3 ft size....they'd all sell out in a matter of an hour.  Some guys would put it in their garage as they came home at night.  Some would mount by the dining table.  Some would put in the tool shop where they could quietly admire it on weekends.

In some weird sense, Trump has become this legend of sorts. 

There was some turning point in the early 1960s....where JFK became a legend.  Folks drifted around for a while, and Clinton achieved legend status (to some degree).  Twelve years ago....President achieved legend status.  I think for Trump's's awful rare (Teddy Roosevelt was probably the last Republican with legend status).

This is the issue at hand....with everyone against is a den of lions scene.  And as much as the lions ought to be capable of taking him down, it just hasn't occurred.  So these lions have started to look very lean, and thin.  They've almost reached the status of being 'old and non-circus' type lions....set for retirement than show-status.  

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