Friday 16 October 2020

Observing Joe's Town Hall Event

 Over the past couple of hours, I've watched about six clips (probably totaling 45 minutes of the two-hour event).  Four observations:

1.  Not a single word asked about Hunter.  Dismal performance by the moderator.  It was like some journalist asking Grandma to tell how she baked cookies, and never challenging Grandma on the sugar content. 

2.  This question by the young black gentleman, which I felt was legit....was given a basic non-answer.  The black guy said he didn't feel the passion to vote for Joe and was considering just staying home (not-voting).  

Joe basically failed, and I think this guy walked out....probably had a beer or two later, and just finally assembled the data to say 'no' (he won't be voting at all).  You might be seeing twenty-percent of the normal Democratic black vote...just not showing up.

3.  Joe did seem to be alert and focused.  I didn't see him stumble at all.

4.  I just found it odd....Joe sat 12 feet away from the moderator, and probably 30 feet minimum from everyone in the audience, and you can't arrange a face-to-face debate situation with Trump?  As they kept pulling the camera back and you could see the two on the stage or Joe within range of the audience....this kept coming back to bother me.  That's why I said enough with the watching of the video sets. 

It wasn't a bad town-hall, and maybe Joe did 'OK'.  But on that one black enormous failure to get the black vote. 

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