Saturday 9 January 2021

Chief of Capital Police, and Congressional Sergeant-at-Arms....Gone

 It's an interesting twist to what happened on the 6th of January.  Both the Congressional Sergeant-at-Arms and Chief of the Capital Police are gone now.

Did both screw up?  This is a matter of debate.  

The Capital Police chief has been around for roughly two years.  

Sergeant-at-Arms Paul D. Irving?  He'd been there since 2012.  

I suspect that everyone around the Senate and House....felt that they had a high degree of protection, and in the seemed like the 'total' force were just simply a group of glorified door-guards.  

Who gets the jobs next?  Unknown.  I think in both cases.....if you offered the jobs out....they might get 300 resumes each, but this grouping might not be high-quality folks who are up to the job.  In some ways, I'd suggest that the two folks walking in (probably by the  end of February)....will do a brief period (maybe 18 months), and then leave/retire.

If you listed out the job-requirements for the Sergeant-at-Arms basically goes to three key functions: basic security at the doorway to the House/Senate (only the Representatives/Senators get in),  handling of protocol/ceremony (like  the inauguration), and finally handling unruly/bad behavior of the Senate/House members.

On the last piece....the bad behavior....agents of the Sergeant-at-Arms are there to basically drag out anyone in the structure who is obviously acting erratic, drunk, or threatening folks.  

The odds that both will be filled by female candidates?  Oh, I'd give that betting odds of a 75-percent chance.  But whoever applies....they'd probably have to be in their mid-50s, and have twenty-plus years of law enforcement background.  

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