Friday 8 January 2021

I Quit Coke

I sat and read the slip statement from Coke yesterday, and of 6 Jan 2020, I've quit Coke....entirely. 

They politicized their drink and climbed into a fairly messy business.  


bob searcy said...

id like to recommend a book to you . its called ' the march of the titans ' . sometimes it can be read online for free .
its chronologically the best history book ive ever read . its all about how societies become diluted and in fact destroyed from within .

Schnitzel_Republic said...

This is a book that I picked up around 8 to 10 years ago. My slam against the book was 500-plus pages (I thought a quarter of it was more filler-material and it would have been a better book if limited to 350 pages).

The selling point of the book, which I do agree with...civilizations come, and go. They have a high-point, and at some key 'junction'....go through a collapse phase. This is the long discussion over both the Greek society, and Rome. You can probably add the spiral of the UK, and it's virtually collapsing at this point.

Because ancient history is mostly dumped out of high-school studies and in particular within the college programs....a lot of this obvious history is unknown to people today.

Finally, I would add...virtually all civilizations do a collapse and then rebuild (the Chinese are great examples of this). I'd even suggest that Putin has taken the Russians out of the Soviet-era and done a rebuild on their society. The same will eventually occur with Iran (it will eventually collapse the Islamic government).

bob searcy said...

my take away was :
forced desegregation / mingling of peoples / races / values is a recipe for conflict . i think thats what the usa is facing right now -- people trying to force their regional values onto people who think differently . i think the next four years are going to be a rerun of the obama ' glorify decadence ' years.