Thursday 28 January 2021


 1.  I'll lay out a prediction for late April, as temperatures warm up...the infection rate/death rate from Covid-19 starts to trend downward.  By late May, about 80-percent of the big threat dissipates.  The public feels encouraged....President Biden talks of the 'hump' being crossed, and oddly....the big lines for the vaccination process start to get very short (people are asking why bother with this vaccination business).

For roughly 120 days.....things will be fine.  Then around September, the numbers will jump 10-percent in a week, and we get back to full blown Covid-19 by mid-October.  

2.  This new suggestion of wearing two masks by 'Doctor Death'?  I'd counter it and ask why not wear three masks?  

You can ask this guy 100 questions, to get 100 answers....wait a couple of months....ask the same questions, and get 100 completely different answers.  Honestly, the guy could not even run a shoe-factory.

3.  My prediction is that two 'new' states are approved for 2021, with both requiring residents to vote on this matter in 2022.  Puerto Rico and DC. 

A massive counter-view starts to occur where highly urbanized areas (SF, Chicago, Atlanta, NYC, etc) believe they should have the same status of DC, and they should be viewed as states (with Senators).  This discussion will resonate throughout 2021/2022/2023 and be a top-ten discussion item for the 2024 election.  

4.  A five-day impeachment?  The more that is discussed....the odds favor an extremely short period.  I would suggest part of the problem revolves around the health of Leahy and he can't handle high-stress in this type of matter (as the judge-character).  

5.  At some point around a month ago, before the vaccination business took off....the leadership of Philly made this decision, they'd put the city management of the vaccination effort into the hands of a 22-year-old grad student.  Based on the description by the local news, he was not a doctor....just a pretty smart guy.

About a month into this decision....they've kinda realized that this authority and level of competence required....are screwed up.  

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