Saturday 20 March 2021

Current Impressions of Ten People

 1/2: Prince Harry and Meghan.  I see two no-talent people who need to be given a clear caretakers of a camp-ground, or mattress sales shop, or running a dog-grooming shop.  They need real work to keep themselves occupied.  I'd also suggest that Harry take up drinking to lessen his stress levels.  

3.  Pelosi.  I doubt that she's ever gone a day in thirty years without three cocktails.  At her weight-level, 95 pounds....that's about two cocktails too many.

4.  Kanye West is living the American dream, and doing something right.  He is supposedly the richest black guy in America now....even if he is 50-percent crazy.

5.  This Psaki gal who is the White House probably the most miserable member of the Biden-team.  I actually feel sorry for her as she grapples around with questions each day.

6.  I don't think the current governor of California (Newsom) has the qualifications to even run a sports bar or muffler shop. 

7.  I think Joe Biden is the best spokesperson for the NRA ever....all he has to do is stand and make a 60-second comment, and tomorrow.....40k guns will be sold across America.

8.  I think Putin could actually arrive in California, and within six weeks....convince more than half the state that he deserves a chance as governor of California.  

9.  I think this Marvel Comics effort to 'remake' Captain America into some gay activist....will last for about six months, and then they will admit the humiliation comments by readers is way too much.  A two-year silence on Captain America will then occur.

10.  I think Brian Stelter of CNN needs a year off, and probably is suffering from PTTS (Post-Traumatic-Trump-Syndrome).  I know of an excellent hotel down in Florida where he could recover.  

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