Saturday 20 March 2021

Divorce Story

 The problem really don't know how much is true, and how much is fake.

China least from the Wuhan City numbers.....that sixty percent of the folks who did have divorce paperwork generated in January of 2021.....decided something 'clicked' and dumped the paperwork....(staying with their perceived loser-husband or loser-wife).

So, this odd thing occurred.....China made up this law that said when you file for a divorce, you have to go through a 60-day cooling-off period.

During this cooling-off period, you have to go to marriage counseling, period.  No exemptions.

So they say in Wuhan, in January of this year....just over 3,000 couple filed for divorce.  

It should have been final in March.

Just over 1,300 went final in March.  The rest?  The situations were dropped.

Now, it would be interesting to gather up the 1,700 couples who dissolved the paperwork to divorce, and ask some more direct questions.  But no one went that far.

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