Monday 8 March 2021


 There was a good piece off RedState this weekend, and the topic was....."'Pro-Life Evangelicals for Biden' Say They Were Betrayed, and Confusion Abounds".

Various religious folks were given a political message in the months leading up to the November election, and they were told in simple terms....if you just had a President Biden, things would be better, and that he would not dare go and start up an abortion-path.  Well....yes, he did.

You can imagine this scene at some Baptist Church.   A number of couples showed up in the past three Sundays....fairly dismayed and asking pointed questions over what they were told.

'Brother Jim' talks over things with 'Brother Bob', and 'Sister Candy' is pretty riled up while talking to 'Sister Mindy'.

So they are confronting 'Preacher Morty'.  He's at a loss of words.

He does remember getting this funny 'invite' to a spiritual week (four days at a fancy resort) in North Carolina....all expenses paid.  He hung out with forty-odd ministers, and this group of four spiritual-talkers, who were moderating the whole week.

In the midst of this Moses-chatter and Simon-chatter, there were these odd moments where Trump-chatter and Biden-chatter came up.  

Then 'Preacher Morty' remembers that 9-page reference sheet, which he used for three or four sermons in October.  He goes to review it, and finds that 50-percent of anti-Trump propaganda.  

'Preacher Morty' gets all riled up, and tries calling Dee-Dee (one of the spiritual advisers), but the phone is disconnected.  He tries the other three idiots....same thing.  He calls up the hotel, and they reference some organization in Minnesota....that line is disconnected as well.

It's at this point that 'Preacher Morty' realizes that he's been deceived in a very bad way.    Up and down the aisle.....various folks are peeved, and wanting answers.  The preacher can't say much....just admitting he was fooled in a royal way....but he should did enjoy the four days of leisure (with cocktails) at the fancy resort.

So quietly over the next year....various folks will realize that the church is the wrong place to get propaganda, that ministers can easily be deceived, and that some serious manipulation took place.  


LargeMarge said...

A year and a half ago, I walked out of my spiritual home.
I was extremely active with my church for over two decades, but that Sunday, out of the blue, the preacher went to ragging on Caucasian Nationals (whatever that is...).

I witnessed my congregants instantly switch to a blood-thirsty mob of lynchers.

At that instant, I stood, put on my coat while looking around at two-hundred folks I thought I knew... and walked away.

Eighteen months later, I still have no idea about their definition of 'Caucasian Nationals', nor does it interest me enough to discuss it with anybody I used to know.

Schnitzel_Republic said...

In terms of playing this identity political game....when it comes up in a should ask the minister....what chapter/verse does this come from?

Most of these folks will just stand there and be unable to answer the request. It's silly we've reached this level of insanity.