Tuesday 9 March 2021

Do I Care Much Over the Prince Harry/Meghan Interview With Oprah?


I know that Oprah paid around $7-million for this....but frankly, it's worthless chatter.

All of this....to get the two into some reality TV show 'gimmick'?  More or less.  

If you look at their lifestyle, just on rent alone for the California spot....it's $275k a month.  If you figure cars, food, etc....it's probably $300k on top of that.  So they need near $600k a month to present themselves.

Neither have any real talents that lend to the idea of an income of $7-million a year....at least under present circumstances. 

I just don't see where this goes....other than them becoming some Kardashian-type reality show. Then add to this....neither have any talent to draw people to a 'circus' environment.  

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