Thursday 11 March 2021

How I Think the Next Six Months of the Biden-Border Episode Unfolds

 I see three certain scenarios coming out of this mess:

1.  A couple of states along the border region (Texas in particular)....will probably act to offer incentives (bus-tickets for example), for a one-way trip to California or Maryland.  It'll be very sly minor program at first....just a thousand free tickets.  Folks will step in and contribute to the fund, and by least 10,000 free bus rides will have occurred.

All of this will upset the kind folks at the destination end, and them expressing that this ought to be illegal.

2.  A housing shortage of an unusual type will start up....surrounding the new migrants into the US.  News journalists will be begged by city officials to hype the problem, and oddly enough....they refuse to touch the sensitive issue.

At some point, late-summer....the Biden administration will talk of contracting out FEMA-like trailers (maybe 10k of them) to fill this housing crisis.

In major cities like St Louis, Orlando, Austin, etc....migrant trailer-parks will set to be seen....propped up by local city governments and no clear long-term plan.  

3.  Finally, BLM folks will start to talk about this problem where the new migrants (with visa papers provided)....are now taking what was generally black-'owned' jobs.  

Biden will have to hire someone to explain this in some detail....telling people not to worry....that more jobs are coming, and everyone will be happily employed a minimum wage level.   This won't sell well....going into 2022.  

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