Friday 19 March 2021


 I tried to watch forty-five minutes of CNN news yesterday.

Before November of could make the case that vast majority of a one-hour show was a majority of some roundtable effort (five folks) whipping President Trump as much as possible.  There might have been five minutes talking over some climate disaster in Thailand, some Russian passenger jet crashing, and maybe some mention of pythons being found in the Everglades.....but it was mostly the anti-Trump hour.

So yesterday?  Some brief mention of Brazil President Lula being freed-up (out of prison).  Another mention of this Tanzanian President having died from Covid-19 (he had done daily presentations to the public to pray for people to recover).  There was some mention of Wall Street worry over inflation.  And some chatter of President Biden hyping that the government is part of the long-term solution to the virus.

To be blunt, watching CNN now (compared against summer of 2020) is like taking some antidepressants or watching it while have a four-star flu (feeling like it's running at three-quarters speed).

At the end of 45 minutes.....I hit the Netflix button, and watched two episode of Trailer-Park Boys.  It brought me back to life.   

I'm not going to dump a lot of criticism over CNN (they probably deserve it)....but the idea that there's plenty of news to get you hyped-up over a day?  That suggestion is a joke.  

I would imagine that several CNN folks quietly now wish that Trump was still around, and drilling down into the enthusiasm every single day.  

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