Friday 19 March 2021

Trees Discussion

 This morning, I watched a 14-minute discussion via DarkHorse Podcasts (off YouTube)....with two PhD folks, and the topic was this new science study which says....trees are beneficial not only to your status in life, but to your mental positive feelings as well.

I would strongly recommend a viewing of it, and you might want to sit for a while and ponder over this.  

Weird study?  I would suggest that, but I don't think they were expecting the outcome to be this way.

A stamp of positive words over trees?  No.  It really invites more study, and probably gathering up 5k people....some who live in treeless communities and some living in rural areas surrounded by trees.

As a kid....I had a fascination with trees because of the four seasons and how trees were revolving calendar.  Around October, you had the yearly leaf the end of the yard, and then a fire on a windless burn the leaves away.  Course today....folks get real hyped up if you do something like that.

In my late 30s....I spent a couple of years living in Tucson, Arizona.  To put it's the most treeless place that you can live.  Every couple of months, we'd drive up the the 'peak', where everything was covered with pine trees.  I always came back from this six-hour trip....charged up and feeling more positive.  

Something to this trees thing relating to positive feelings?  It wouldn't shock me at all.

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