Tuesday 27 April 2021

Joe Isn't a Gifted Salesman

 President Biden had a poll come out and it really lessened his situation among the general public.  The poll?  Roughly 82-percent of people said the nation is divided, and is not coming together.  This would mean only around 18-percent of people who either believe it's one unified nation, or didn't really agree with anything in the poll answer column.  

Adding to this mess....around one-third of the polled folks felt that the nation was headed in the 'right-direction'.....meaning the bulk of Americans didn't see much of a positive trend coming around.

So I come to this enormous weakness of President Biden....marginal salesmanship.  What Bill Clinton and Barak Obama had in excess....was salesmanship.  They could take a average bill, or dismal government program....whip up a frenzy with the public and get two-thirds of Americans to buy into something of minimal value.

Biden has never had this type of salesmanship skill.  You can walk through his forty-odd years in DC, and find almost no occasion where he could 'sell' people on something. 

As for the bulk of Americans not believing in a unified nation?  Well....this ought to worry most folks.

This would lessen confidence in Congress, the court system, the police, and so on.  

If this were to increase from 82-percent to 90-percent?  You'd be looking at a pretty big mess and no one in DC capable of putting public confidence back into the system.

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