Monday 12 April 2021


 1. Rasmussen (the polling people) did a poll on the news.  Oddly enough, only 1 out of 3 people felt that political news on TV was reliable.  The rest?  They seem to be believe that it's propaganda by the Biden administration.  

2.  Has 'Heels' visited any border state yet?  No.

3.  What really happened at the Iranian Natanz nuclear facility?

If you go and breeze through twenty-odd sources....when the 'boys' reached the point of getting the order to 'flip-the-switch', and ease on the centrifuges on....the highly computerized system basically turned itself off.  In simple terms, nothing happened.

Chief reason?  I would speculate that somewhere among the networked computer system....there's a flash-drive connected somewhere in the facility that feeds the entire layout of the network, and it's got some good bug-software to disables the entire system.  

If I were the geek crowd.....I'd tell Mullah 'Joe' that it's best to just dump this site entirely and build an entire site from scratch.  

4.  What'll happen with MLB and Atlanta?

I suspect that the Commissioner will try to make some $10-million 'peace-offering' to the minority business folks affected by the loss of the All-Star Game.  The non-minority folks?  Nothing.  The Latino folks?  That's a question in itself.   

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