Monday 12 April 2021

Five Things That President Biden May Have Learned By Now

 1.  'Heels' is worthless as a point-person on his team.

2.  If Texas officials start an investigation and rape/sexual assault allegations are established in the federal 'kid' holding center....federal officials will be charged up.  As each gets charged....they will go into court and say they don't have the manpower to do the job.

3.  The federal government has no program to dump 40k juveniles on some social program.  Even as things unfold....most states are probably telling Joe's team they could manage 2k at the very most.  The odds that by December, we get up around 80k juveniles?  It's possible.

4.  Pelosi is worthless in orchestrating 'solutions'.

5.  If a majority of Americans see political news as propaganda....then the Joe-message or probably doomed for the 2022 election period.  


LargeMarge said...

A couple points:

I think Glorious Leader china joe requires just about each of his remaining brain-cells to merely follow orders from his puppet-masters.

Expecting any revelations from Glorious Leader might lead to disappointment...

The individual claiming to hold the office of Vice-president will be prohibited from promotion to a higher title.
Based on historical evidence, 'diversity-hires' are required to fill employment quotas, and are not allowed to participate in operational decisions.

Schnitzel_Republic said...

At some point in the next twenty years, I fully expect the VP pick (through either party) has to be either handicapped, a Trans type, or a fulfill society's feeling of obligation.

Years ago, I worked with a contractor who got the lead on a defense contract that would involve around 70 contractors. But in the middle of the wording...DoD required that three of the 70 had to be PhD types. With the man-hours required to find, recruit and hire the 67 non-PhD folks...came to equal the amount of effort for the three PhD idiots. Once you mandate special obligations, it becomes a circus-like operation to achieve success. In one case, this guy had to agree to pay for the movement of the PhD person's horse (across four states) get them hired-up.