Wednesday 14 April 2021

Poll Story

 It's an interesting poll.....almost six out of ten blacks readily say that voter ID requirements aren't a big deal and they support them.

Personally, I would suggest that if you gathered up the six out of ten....almost all of them had time in the US military, and lived with both the military ID (required at least three to ten times a day to function), or the chow-hall card (you didn't get the free chow without it).

This was engrained into you by week three of boot-camp.  By this point, you'd memorized the stupid Social Security number (something you thought you'd never need).

Around by the last year of service (1999), I was probably pulling the military ID out a minimum of four times a day.  There were a minimum of forty situations where you weren't going to get service or attention.....without the ID being displayed.

If you weren't in the military?  I would imagine that you walk around or drive to work two-hundred days a year, and you might only get carded if you were cashing a check at the bank, or buying booze while looking sixteen.  Maybe if you were at the courthouse and getting car registration might show the ID.  Maybe if you were at the pharmacy and buying serious narcotic drugs.....they might card you there.  Course, if you were flying out of the local airport....they'd card you there. 

But added to this.....probably ten-percent of people have had a fake ID at some point (usually at age 16, or in college) buy booze.  So some of us....see the whole ID thing as a joke because of the fake usage.  

1 comment:

LargeMarge said...

As one example of official documentation, I would probably order some of the various versions of S.A.R.S. inoculation passports off TheWorldWideWeb.

It's the least I could do!