Thursday 15 April 2021


 1.  Rumor of VP 'Heels' to the border?

Well....the rumor is that she has a trip planned to Mexico City and Guatemala.  To the border areas?  That's not exactly what was said.  

I think her staff has gotten the US embassy people involved, and they have some all-day meeting with VIP folks in each country.  

2.  For tax reasons....a lot of US companies are headquartered in Delaware.  Someone stood up yesterday and pointed out....virtually all  of the law changes that Georgia wrote up for it's election law situation.....are identical in Delaware.  It may not matter but it's just an odd thing.

3.  The odds that MLB baseball will lose it's antitrust immunity, in 2021?  Zero.  Lot of talk, but the votes aren't there.  After November 2022?  Well....if their policy stays in place....the make-up of the Senate will change and I'd say that the antitrust immunity business will be one of the top ten things in 2023 to be mounted.  

At that point, I suspect the owners will fire the commissioner, and launch an anti-woke agenda.  It may be too late though.  

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