Friday 16 April 2021


1.  The odds of Biden's face-to-face with Putin?  I'd now put this at a 10-percent chance.  It sounded good for a one-hour media blitz, but I don't think team-Biden wants this event to really occur.

2.  This California effort to say high-school math is racist and involves 'white supremacists'?

A state program is being developed to change math.  This will revolve around the idea of avoiding the focus of math problems where you need to get the right answer.  It'd push for collaboration/teamwork to be pushed in classes....over independent efforts.  They revolutionize 'real-world-math' (begs the question of how much more real you can make apples and oranges formulas).

It sounds like they want math completely thrown out of school.  If that were the case, and you could also dump science and geography.....then you ought to limit school to two hours a day, or graduamatate out of school by age eleven.  

3.  You remember that story that the Russians were paying the Taliban folks a 'bounty' for each US soldier captured?  You remember how Trump said it sounded bogus.  You remember how the NY Times gave Trump a threshing over the intelligence?

Well....this week, US intelligence admitted that the story is unproven.  The intelligence involved is marginal.  Kinda funny now how Trump was right.

4.  There's a silly rumor that Mitch McConnell wants a 'truce' with Donald Trump.  Kinda funny that this comes up now....four years later.  Wonder who controls the 2022 mid-terms?

5.  Around 15-percent of Americans now say they are worse off at this relating to the Covid era.  The other 85-percent....mixed.

6.  A year ago....if you'd bought a warehouse of plywood for half-a-million....just sitting on, it'd be worth one-million dollars.  The odds of it doubling again in 2021?  

1 comment:

LargeMarge said...

I owned a restaurant business for ten years.
I placed people in the jobs they could handle.
Expecting Mozart and Pink Floyd from a '1, 2, many math' culture is non-realistic.
The so-called 'one-percent' crowd -- zuck, bezos, gates, congress-critters and bumblebrats in general -- haven't tightened any notches on their belts...