Saturday 10 April 2021

The Failure of Leadership

 The NY Post came out this week, and reported a curious thing.....the Capital Police Chief (Steven Sund) went to the Pelosi team two days prior to 6th of January and urgently begged for National Guard support on the 6th.  

Sund could apparently not get a face-to-face meeting with Pelosi. He ended up meeting her 'handlers'.  They heard the request and said 'no'.

The names?  The NY Post leaves that out of the story. 

After the 6th, Sund and the Sergeant-at-Arms of the House....are fired.

At the very least, there needs to be an investigation done, and if 'handlers' were responsible for the mess....they need to be fired.  

But this brings me to the current mess, which you look over the landscape of Pelosi's job, and how much responsibility hangs upon her.  She heads up the legislative efforts of the Democratic Party in the House.  She swings the gavel for the House.  She is given the responsibility of directing both the Capital Police and the Sergeant-at-Arms team (700 just for them).  She does various interviews and speaking engagements for the party and it's agenda.'s about 500-percent of work laid on the back of a 81-year old person.  She's not capable of handling the work.

In fact, I would go and suggest that even if the Speaker was 45 years's still about 200-percent of work on the plate.

So I'd like to suggest a radical path.  

First, the House Speaker job does not have to be a current member of House (shocking?).  Why not appoint the House Speaker job to some retired member of the House (age limit of 65) for a two-year period?  

Second, this whole security apparatus deal and authority....needs to be removed from the Speaker's job.  There needs to be a central authority....appointed to one single five-year term.  

Third and final....I'd start removing anyone over the age of 80 from House or Senate responsibility positions (head of committee, etc).  You need to have an image in your mind of retirement preferably by age 70.  I might even write the regulation that if you don't start retirement by age 72....we start deducting 2-percent of your retirement every quarter.  

1 comment:

LargeMarge said...

Each government agent is paid minimum wage.
No retirement or other benefits.

Federal government agents work from a field in Nebraska or Georgia.
No structures except for a few picnic-tables.

No government job lasts longer than three weeks.
Part-time for a few days annually.
Every government agent has another job or business.

Fine honest up-standing voters are not encouraged to chuck rotted vegetables at any random government agent.