Thursday 1 July 2021

Are We Smarter Than the News Media Thinks We Are?

 Around a month ago, I watched a presentation via YouTube and the discussion turned to the general public, and the question was....are news journalists assuming we are fairly stupid, and we 'need' news networks (meaning MSNBC, Fox, CNN, ABC, etc)?

This has been on my mind since the discussion.

Maybe up until twenty years rarely found that many people who had a full grasp of the economy, general politics, crime, legal affairs, or science.

I would suggest that we are on a new trend 'line' where people know a good bit more than your typical news 'anchor' with the big-boy networks, and exceptionally more than 'Newsman Bob' from Channel 31's dynamic news team.  We also probably know more than the local Sheriff, the city mayor, or the governor of the state.  

We probably also have a decent ability to recognize propaganda, hype, or disinformation.  

What happens when we recognize this unequal knowledge level?  Well....I would suggest that we turn the TV off, and marginalize our news cycle.  In simple terms, we put some people out of business.  

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