Monday 12 July 2021

Just Something You Notice

 After a while (viewing TV, reading newspapers, listening to 'experts')....people seem pepped-up to be concerned over health, sanitation, hygiene, saving-the-world, etc).

If you asked around today, it's probably an all-time record of guys wearing condoms. 

You might be sitting at McDonalds, and your co-worker or scripture-quoting girlfriend will start talking over sodium content or fat.  

It surprises you as the HR people now announce some new company policy over health, and you are shocked to discover all the soda machines in the building have removed regular sodas and placed health drinks instead.  

Social distancing has become so even arrive at home and treat the dog this way.....leaving them standing there with a puzzled look.

In some funny way, this all has become one single big cult.....with no real grasp of reality, just the wonderful thrill-feeling of helping to manage you.

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