Sunday 11 July 2021


 1.  With all this chatter by people on Hunter Biden's artwork (that he himself painted) and sells for hundreds of thousands.....did you notice that not a single art critic has offered commentary?  

2.  Governor Cuomo of NY says the outrage over Critical Race Theory is fake.  After you sit and ponder for a while, you then realize that Cuomo's outrage over the probably fake.  

3.  At some point in the past week....President Biden was given a chance to comment over the fine work of his chief of Health and Human Services.  It was a great moment to mention the guy and his work.  But at this moment....the President's brain freeze occurred, and he couldn't remember the guy's name.  After a few seconds, he did utter 'Xavier', but he probably started thinking of the Marvel character 'Doctor Xavier'....then he uttered 'Mr Secretary' instead.  

4.  There's an interesting publication from last year....gleaned from data of 2018, which says.....from all the people in the US who are below the poverty level....60-percent of them are white.  The number two group?  Latinos at 18.5-percent.  Blacks only make up 12-percent.  

5.  It is odd...over the past three to five years, a number of folks stood up and spoke to the idea that a number of master's degrees are worthless.  Their meaning?  The two years and likely $50,000 of cost doesn't necessarily translate into better job opportunities or better pay.  The system....for whatever it's worth....has evolved.  So this two year period of effort....might be totally worthless?  Yeah, and that ought to bother the university system a fair bit....if they can't convince you this is of value.....they'd have to lay off thousands of professors with no true value.

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