Friday 30 July 2021

The Backside of the Story over Simone Biles

 Basically, for years and years, she had ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder).  She resolved this order by a medication situation.  The type of drugs doesn't matter.

So she gets invited to the Olympics.  However, Japan has this law in place....the drugs for ADD aren't legal.  You enter with get police attention.

She gets into the middle of her Olympics routine, and can't concentrate....the drug effect is not there.  She leaves the stage.  End of the story.

There is nothing more to this drama.  I know....there's dozens of journalists who've tried to hype this over to this or that way, but it's basically a person who relied upon drugs and then had to 'dry-out'.  

Should Biles have grasped this a year ago, with the Japanese law, and just said she wouldn't compete?  Probably.  Maybe she thought that she'd arrive and use the last pill on the plane....hoping that things would work out.  

My guess is that this will linger around for two or three months.  Biles will be completely negative about the mention of the story, and refusing interviews eventually.  

Maybe the only question remaining.....up until 2021 in the this the first case where someone was using ADD drugs for their concentration?  No....if you really dug into this.....probably 5-percent of participants over the past twenty years have used it to some degree.  

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