Friday 30 July 2021

What VP Harris Said About Fixing the Border Crisis?

 Five part plan announced by VP Harris yesterday:

1.  “Addressing economic insecurity and inequality” through the central region.

2.  “Combating corruption, strengthening democratic governance, and advancing the rule of law.” 

3.  “Promoting respect for human rights, labor rights, and free press.” 

4.  "Countering and preventing violence, extortion, and other crimes perpetrated by criminal gangs, trafficking networks, and other organized criminal organizations.” 

5.  "Combating sexual, gender-based, and domestic violence.”

I looked over the list, and mostly just laughed.  It's a thesis-like paper, probably copied from some PhD candidate from the past five years who is a insider to the Biden team.

Any of these achievable?  No.  If you went into Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador or Mexico.....some might agree that if human rights were respected, that free and open commerce were allowed, and drug cartels diminished, things would improve.  But if you asked the same group how this could be handled or accomplished,  they would just grin.

Here's the sad thing....from this list of five, if you approached the fifty US states and said the same thing as a remedy for their chaos, negativity, and wokeism....they'd agree all five fit great into resolving their woes as well.  Would VP Harris push that agenda across America?  No.

VP Harris is now done with the border mess that President Biden gave her.  She visited....wrote the fix solution, and smiled for the cameras.   Now it's onto the next crisis that Biden can hand her.  

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