Sunday 1 August 2021

The Unifier Story

 This past week, I sat and watched a podcast where the moderator brought this talkative 'expert' on, who got all into the problem of division in America.  He (the guest' actually did a great job for about three minutes.  Then he wanted to lecture you that the only time in the past couple of decades that you got some 'measurement' of unifying....was under the Obama era.

I sat and kinda laughed.

During the build-up of the 2008 campaign....into the primary period....some guy came on CNN and hyped up the unifying experience/background of candidate Obama....saying that the Illinois era was a great example of how Obama worked across party lines.

So about three months into the President Obama just came to realize on unifying skills....he was missing the talents, the smarts, and the savvy to unify people.  It wasn't just him....even the people around him in the White House....were lacking the same talent-set.

By the end of the 4th could asses the unifying 'hype' as mostly all bogus.  

So, back to Bush II, Clinton, Bush I.....were they all missing unifying skills?  For the most part.

Reagan?  He won the 1976 election mostly because Carter got caught up in the Iran mess, and Carter's debates were good but not enough to bring down Reagan.  Reagan as a unifier?  No....but the news media wasn't corrupted enough to make it a big deal. 

Carter as a unifier?  No....Carter was brought in to clean up the perception of Watergate.  

Nixon and Ford as unifiers?  Not really.

Kennedy or Johnson as unifiers?  Kennedy marginally filled that 'square', and Johnson was simply the guy filling Kennedy's empty shadow.

So I'd suggest that it's been a mighty long time since Eisenhower was around and decent unifier.  

The job of social/news media to present a fake unifier today?  Well....that's what you are left with.  There's probably sixty different national characters walking around hoax-unifiers.  Some Republican....some Democrat...some journalists...some clowns-pretending-to-be-leaders.  It's bad enough that you can't even recognize a real unifier from a fake unifier.  

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