Sunday 1 August 2021

Your Gender is Based Mostly on Someone's Imagination?

 If you had made this statement twenty years ago....99-percent of people would have laughed.  Today?  The statement is mostly leaning toward what I'd call a hoax-fact....meaning people accept it and don't question it, but if you tried to make it a logical statement in a MISERABLY fail.

As each year passes imagination adds another couple of genders (with pronouns).  Without the active imagination....this trend goes nowhere.

Right now, sitting in some basement in Milwaukee, is some guy who is dwelling on a brand new gender which he will introduce via his social media situation, and sell to 10,000 followers over the next month, and by January....have convinced around 20-million Americans of the new gender.  The fact that this may only involve 300 people around the US?  It's best not to bring up this fact.

The possibility that some alien (UFO-type) gender will be invented out of thin air over the next year?  I'd say it's better than a 50-percent chance. 

So this whole thing....the chatter....the arguments....the 'got-you' talk....the furious nature of society forever on a binge frustration...all based on imagination?  Yeah, and the best part, because the way that imagination works....there's no limit.

You might as well open up that fine whiskey you've been saving, and sit over on the porch tonight....thinking over this implication, and how the future now proceeds.  

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