Wednesday 29 September 2021


 Some poll group asked a bunch of Americans (non-vaxx folks) how they feel about the Covid booster shots.

Response?  71-percent said that Covid booster shots means that the vaccine doesn't work as advertised.

I sat and pondered over this.  

For around 22 years of my life.....I got herded into the situation to get the flu vaccination each year (the Air Force felt it was 'good' for me).  Did it work?  I'd say that in ten of these years.....I still had the flu.  Sometimes it was for just 24 hours....sometimes for three days.  

So it hit me.....if I got the flu vaccination and still got the flu....shouldn't the Air Force have mandated another booster flu-shoot then?  It would seem logical. 

But another thought hit me as well.  If you had the vaccination shot, and four months later....had a antibodies test to tell you that it's already time for a booster.....and in four more months....the next test says it's time for another booster, wouldn't this lead to massive number of booster shots over a four-year period?

I suspect that as soon as you came to mandate booster #2....more than half of the pro-vaxx crowd would draw a line and say that's probably the limit.  So all of this negativity and vaxx-hype would double?  More or less.  

You can ask yourself....would you be taking the flu-shot and the flu-booster shot three times over one single prevent the flu?  I would suggest more than half would just start laughing over the suggestion. 

1 comment:

LargeMarge said...

According to some researchers, the 'delta variant' is a not a result of S.A.R.S.-Cov.
It is a direct-line result of the inoculations.
Then there is this: