Wednesday 29 September 2021

Why Aliens Wouldn't Want To Confess to Visiting Earth

 I generally have five ideas in my head revolving around the UFO/alien visitation business:

1.  If you were advanced (from 100 years more advanced to Earth technology, to 100-million years more advanced)....why do more than observe?  

2.  The Freak-Out problem.  Just in the US alone....there's probably more than twenty-million people who would not be able to handle such an announcement. Add onto it...the alien dudes might admit that they are the ones who delivered man to Earth around 200,000 years ago, that they orchestrated the Jesus-story, and that Elvis was one of their guys.

3.  As they gaze around....they figure at least a dozen different alien cultures have observation posts on Earth, and they've all been sold on the idea of remaining anonymous.  

4.  Once returning to the would sit and describe President Biden/Trump?  No one would believe you.

5.  After you'd been talking for about six hours.....your alien buddy 'Gorg' would stop the chat and just say it's all can't be serious about these crazy Earth folks. 

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