Wednesday 20 October 2021

Is There Such A Thing as 'Biden-Unity'?

 I think among the forty-odd promises made by Joe Biden in 2020.....this talk of bringing unity finally to the nation (after four years of Trump and a questionable period of eight years of Obama-unity).....about 80-percent of us will agree that Biden-unity is non-existent.

To some degree, I might even go and suggest that among Democratic-leaning voters...even half of them would laugh and say Biden-unity is a fantasy....mostly to the degree that it will never come before 2025 (when Biden leaves).

If you tried to engage people on this topic....most would just laugh and ask if you have anything better to potholes in the neighborhood, dog-tricks, recommended motor oils for riding mowers, or least favorite NCAA football team.

Should this even be brought up to Joe?  He'd probably ask who the hell promised that, and did they understand the 'real-world'?

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