Wednesday 20 October 2021

Ten Things I Have Lowered My Expectations On

 1.  CNN.  Muting CNN is just something I've gotten used to and expect to occur at least ten times per hour.

2.  NFL football.  It's been about five years now, and I've lowered my expectations down far enough....that I don't even watch it now.

3.  Airlines functioning on-time, without cancellations.  Even three years prior to Covid....I was already preparing a plan 'B' if cancellations or delays were to occur.  I had hotels on a sheet, their numbers, and a general plan when I got 'dumped'.

4.  Star Wars.  To be honest, I've had lesser expectations since Episode 1 from May 1999.  The first three of the series were 'winners', and from 1999's been mostly crap.

5.  Saturday Night Live.  If I do force myself through an episode....I probably only laugh at 50-percent of the skits.  

6.  Republicans who say they are Republican but tend to BS-around and portray themselves as fairly marginalized Republicans.  John McCain was in that group.

7.  Truth commissions being effective.  There has never been a single effective truth commission....anywhere....over the past thousand years.

8.  Do-gooders accomplishing anything worthwhile.  Doesn't matter if it's a charity or some private group....after you evaluate the cost and end-result, most of these are worthless.

9.  Colleges producing people capable of critical thinking.  If you spent $75k over four years and can't show any talent at critical might as well have prepared the resume for a shift-supervisor job at McDonalds.

10.  Reality TV actually being 'real'.  After viewing a number of episodes of the 'Amish Mafia'....I eventually came to the conclusion that those folks weren't Amish enough, or the whole thing was faked-up.  But this brought me back to a dozen other reality TV shows, and how fake they were.  

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