Tuesday 26 October 2021

Marginalized Comedians?

 Somewhere around a decade ago, I came to the realization that probably half of the people who were trying to 'sell' themselves as comedians (either on TV, radio or at clubs)....weren't that capable.  

Do we have an over abundance of comedians today?  Yes, I'd offer that observation.  Probably forty-percent ought to renew their resumes, and just look for real work.  From the remaining crowd?  Probably half of them are marginally cutting it....either improve or just preparing your resumes as well.

There's a Brit comedian who came out with a five-star response/explanation for BREXIT (comparing to a Burger King), who had one brief moment.  Ever since that joke.....he's gone back to marginal humor.  He still gets invites to comedy club routines, but it's obvious that he was just lucky for one four-minute routine for BREXIT, and the rest is history.

Late night TV?  It's mostly crap....with the exception of Gutfeld on Fox.

Would I go to a comedy club for an evening?  If I knew who was appearing.....yeah.  But if it's an unknown group, or two 'losers'?  No.....I'd skip it. 

1 comment:

LargeMarge said...

John Pinette:
Craig Ferguson:
Other than that, I prefer sitting in the porch-rocker, occasionally tossing a tennis-ball to the dogs.